Antarctica Lesson Plans
Antarctica Teaching Resources | Antarctica Subject Matter Sites
- Antarctic E-Mail- "The students will demonstrate prior knowledge of the Antarctic (geography, population, etc.) They will also speculate on what kinds of people go to Antarctica and why those people go to live there. The students will speculate on what life is like in Antarctica. Finally, the students will develop questions they can ask of researchers living at the Amundsen-Scott Research Station in Antarctica."
- Icebergs Ahead!- Students make miniature icebergs, float them in water, expose them to the sun, and compare them to a floating cork stopper. Students also estimate the amount of drift ice around Antarctica.
- Investigating Our Place in the World- A series of activities.
- Let the North Star Tell You Where You Are- Students make their own astrolabe, use it to sight the star Polaris, and determine their latitude.
- South Georgia Island: Paradise of Ice- Math and science lessons.
- The Coldest Place at the Bottom of the World- Students use longitude and latitude coordinates to trace and estimate the miles on Shackleton's actual and intended polar journeys, describe the altitude changes across the continent, and compare Antarctica to their own state.