Lesson Plan Title : Drawing 3D Shapes and Making 3D Glasses
Overview and Purpose: Seeing 3 D Shapes on 2 D surface. TLW create 3-D glasses following patterns provided.
1. Teach the basics of 3D design principles
2. Discuss several materials used to create sculpture
3. Talk about several 20th century artists and show examples of artworks
4. Create a sculpture in class
1.Students will learn 3D consists of height, width and depth.
2.Students will draw a 3D shape, showing all 3 components.
3.Students can recognize 3D in 2D art media.
1.Instruction will demonstrate the 3D components, Height Width and Depth
2. Demonstration will show students that Depth can be drawn on 2D surface, then practice drawing 3d themselves.
3. Students will identify what makes something look 3d in examples of art.
Art examples
2D objects (photos, drawings,)
3D objects ( dice, ball, scissors, pencil, erasers,)
Cardstock, scissors, cellophane, markers, tape
1.Discuss what 3-D is with the class. Allow students to demonstrate 3-D shapes they may have learned.
2.Explain the difference between 2D and 3D by showing a picture of a box and compare it to the box that is found below and grab a cardboard box for your class to see it in real life.
3.Can you reach behind the box? Can you reach behind the box in the picture? What is the difference? The Box has Depth, the picture does not.
4. 3D can be imitated on a 2d surface. To make something look 3D on a 2D surface, the third dimensions depth. They will be drawing all 3, height, width and depth is required.
5.Show students a box- discuss how we know it's a box. Size? Shape? does it have height? Does it have width? What about depth.
1. Demonstrate with my figure, below, the height, width and of an person, but it lack depth.
1a. Ask a student to come to the front of the room and demonstrate the concept of depth on a real live person.
2.Draw a box showing how the vertical lines are showing height, the horizontal lines are showing width and the diagonal lines are showing depth.
3. explain part of art is being able to make the viewer believe an object looks as if it has the third dimension of depth.
4. Announce that you are making their own pair of 3-D glasses (like the kind at the movies)!
Class Practice:
1.Cut out the pieces for your 3-d glasses. Save one of the eye hole pieces you cut out to use as a template for cutting out your plastic.
2.Use red and blue permanent markers to color a red and a blue area on your plastic. Let your plastic sit undisturbed until the marker dries. You may need to test your markers and plastic before you commit to it.
3.Use one of the eye hole pieces you saved from step 4 as a template to cut out your red and blue eye pieces.
4.Tape the red and blue lenses onto the back of the glasses. Make sure the red piece is covering the left eye hole and the blue piece is covering the right eye hole.
5.Use tape to attach the ear pieces to the side of the glasses. When I designed the printable template I made the ear pieces extra long so you can trim them down to the right size, do this before you tape them in place on your glasses.
6.Now you can fold down the other side of your glasses to enclose the plastic lenses and ear piece ends inside. Tape it closed.
If you want to personalize your glasses, dig through your craft cupboard and find whatever catches your fancy. I decorated the middle pair of glasses in this photo using glitter and feathers and the bottom pair was made using craft foam. Experiment, use your imagination, and have fun!
Learning Checkup:
Visual and oral assessment. Walk around and check for understanding. Assist when needed.
1.Ask students what makes something 3D
2.Check drawings for 3 dimensions
3. Check to see if student choice object had 3 dimensions
Wrap Up:
1. Have students repeat the 3 dimensions of 3D and the 2 Dimensions of 2D
2. Have students pick up a 3D objects on desk, then return them choose a 2 d object.
3. Have students identify objects in artworks that look 3D even on a 2D surface.
4.Students can demonstrate drawing a 3D object on a 2D surface
5.Students can identify objects in artworks that appear to be 3D but are on a 2D surface.