Lesson Plan Title : Drama Games
Overview and Purpose: The children should start off with games that introduce themselves and their hobbies. Followed by warm ups and a themed drama games within smaller groups.
Have the students stand in a circle. The first person to go (usually the teacher) needs to make a movement and a sound in the direction of a student. That student needs to then mimic the sound and movement back at the teacher and then make another movement and sound in the direction of another student. That student would then mimic the sound and movement back to the previous student and then make another sound and movement towards another student.
1. For the children to introduce themselves.
2. The children should learn some games which will improve their communication skills.
3. Th children should participate in games that will help build confidence.
4. No sound or movement should be repeated.
5. Each student should have a chance to make a movement and sound towards another student.
6.The game should eventually become an elimination game.
1. The children should enjoy the session
2. The children should be made to feel that they can join in discussion and participate in the games
3. The children should feel that they are able to work together and learn team building skills.
4. Students should be able to effectively mimic a sound and movement after only hearing/seeing it once.
5. Students should be able to improvise another movement and sound quickly.
6. Students should be able to move swiftly through the game after only 1-2 practice rounds.
Props such as hats can be used in role playing games.
1.I will explain to the children the methods to be used during the game.
2.We will, as a group, run through two practice rounds at most.
3. Tunnel Tag. (Warm up)
1. Human statue with music Game.
2. Separate into smaller groups of six
3. Vocal warm ups (Demonstrated first.)
During the practice rounds, students will not be eliminated and will be able to see the process to follow through the game.
Class Practice:
1. Develop a scene in small groups using a color.
2. Students could be given ideas in necessary.
3. Group discussion on how different colours could make you feel.
Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)
1.If the students have a dissability that makes it difficult for them to stand, they can sit and make the movements with their hands.
2.If the students have a hearing dissability, instead of sounds they can mimic signs from each other.
3.If the students are very young, the teacher can suggest a subject area for them to stick to. Such as barnyard animals, weather patterns, or simple claps.
Learning Checkup:
1.If the students have difficulty following instructions the game will need to be revised and made more simple.
2.If the students are not being eliminated in the elimination round the game may need to be made more difficult.
Wrap Up:
The finale should be made into a speed round where you have to react within just a couple of seconds. Depending on the age group, the time can be changed.
If the students do very well at this activity it will reflect how well they are picking up the concept of improvisation and thinking on their feet.