Lesson Plan Title : Learning To Moonwalk

Overview and Purpose: How to learn how to Moonwalk in easy steps. Teach the class a dance.


Warm up students, teach students the dance and present the full dance at the end of the class. Michael Jackson, Moonwalk

1. To get the students engaged in the class.

2. To teach the students the dance made up by the instructor.

3. For the class to have fun and be creative!

4. Understanding the idea of a moonwalk

5. Knowing How to Moonwalk

6. Being able to moonwalk


1. Make sure every student is paying attention while the dance is being taught.

2. Make sure that every student understands and is able to do the steps so that no one falls behind.

3. Support the students and allow them to add their own "twist" to the steps.

4. Have at least a couple students be able to moonwalk.

5. Have the majority of the class moonwalk.


Socks, Feet,



1. Warm up with stretching.

2. Get the class into rhythm with the "electric slide".

3. Then get into explaining the objective of the class which is to learn the dance made up by the instructor.

4. Think about walking backwards.

5. Have both feet side to side on the ground.


1.Lift one heel off the ground ( depending on whether you kick with your left or right)

2.Drag your other heel backwards

3. Switch your feet so then, the foot with the heel off the ground is now on the ground, and the foot with the heel on the ground is now off the ground. Repeat steps 2 and 3.

4. Demonstrate to the students each set of 8 counts, one by one.

5. Repeat each step at least twice or until class understands.

Class Practice:

1. Go through the steps along with the class.

2. Give advice and assistance to the students who are having trouble understanding.

Independent Practice:

1.Moonwalking in a slippery hall way.

2. Watch the class go through the steps on their own.

3. Assess the progress of the class and see how many students paid attention.

Learning Checkup:

1. Final presentation of complete dance.

2. Give the class feedback on how they progressed with the task.

3. Students are able to understand the concept of moonwalk (walking backwards)

4. Students can repeat the steps

Wrap Up:

1. Repeat Concept

2. Re-explain steps