English As A Second Language Publications

  1. Easy-to-Read Magazine - For students of all levels. Articles on tourism, films, and books.
  2. English Language Gazette Online- The EL Gazette is an international trade newspaper of the ESL industry. Offers news and resources for ESL teachers.
  3. English Teaching Professional- An independent quarterly magazine for ESL teachers worldwide.
  4. ESL Magazine- The premier print magazine for English as a Second Language professionals.
  5. GoUK- For international students studying in the UK.
  6. Humanising Language Teaching- Free web magazine offers research and personal experience articles related to language teaching, lesson outlines, exercise ideas.
  7. Internet TESL Journal - Articles, research papers, lesson plants, classroom handouts, teaching ideas and links for students and teachers.
  8. The Language Teacher - The monthly publication of the Japan Association for Language Teaching.
  9. Spotlight Magazine Online - The online version of a regularly published print publication aimed at the German learner. Contains stories for vocabulary building as well as a source for business students.