Dealing With Plagiarism and Cheating in Schools

Detecting Plagiarism
Preventing Plagiarism

Plagiarism is becoming a very serious problem in schools today. Students either knowingly or not, tow the line between right and wrong. It is sometimes the case that they are unaware of what this issue really involves. Plagiarism is simply defined as the process of stealing the ideas and work of others. Plain and simple, plagiarism is cheating. In some instances and in various states, there are legal penalties associated with committing this action.

Students receive many assignments each week while they are in school. Many of these assignments require writing various types of essays and reports. Before any of this work is done, research is necessary. This process is often where the problem of plagiarism first raises its ugly head. Some students do not understand the importance of documenting non-public forms of information. They simply do not see the problem that this issue can provide for them.

They are even less aware of the necessity of giving authors their due credit. So, what happens in the writing process becomes very cloudy. There are two general cases where the infraction of plagiarism is committed. These, however, are not the only instances that they occur. In one case, students incorporate the work or ideas of others in the midst of their own writing. This is done without correct documentation.

The other common case of plagiarism includes using entire works as theirs. This scenario doesn't include any of the student's own work. In both cases, dishonest writing has been done. This work is then turned into teachers under the guise of originality. Fortunately, educators have been equipped with crucial teacher resources for detecting plagiarism. These tools allow them to handle cases of this sort effectively.

One of the best ways for schools to deal with plagiarism is through the teaching of study skills and thorough researching techniques. Teachers across the country hand out worksheets, which describe what plagiarism is. This information allows students to read for themselves, what appropriate behavior is expected. They are also made aware of the consequences of such actions.

The Internet has become one of the world's most valuable tools for learning. This is especially true where the education system is concerned. In many ways, this same tool is the culprit of plagiarism problems. In this scenario, Cybercheating takes place instead of a more traditional form. Students use the wealth of the internet to find work to turn in for their assignments. There are virtually millions of web pages to peruse when researching.

The vastness of this medium makes detecting this sort of cheating even more difficult. Schools have to take a proactive role, as it relates to plagiarism. Teaching them the pitfalls of this issue is a great place to start. It is also necessary to fully discuss the topic. This is a way to allow for communication in the classroom. The majority of students who understand this issue and the penalties of it will choose not to take such a chance. There will always be those who will consider the risk worthwhile.

More Information On Plagiarism and Cheating in Schools

  1. Antiplagiarism Strategies
  3. The New Plagiarism
  4. Plagiarism in Colleges in the USA