Teaching With Technology 6 to 10

Teaching Idea

Word Processing
Emily, Elementary Grade Teacher: Provincetown, MA

"Word processing is a great tool to encourage children to write. There are applications that also allow children to illustrate, or add graphics to stories. Programs make it easy to spell check and grammar check (although it is necessary to still teach these skills). Word processing also develops key boarding skills, a standard skill now needed by everyone.Kids can work together on writing projects and produce work that they can always easily revise or add to throughout the school year. I use desktop publishing with my students to publish their own stories, books, reports, newsletters, and newpapers. As a result, my students love to engage in writing activities."

Teaching Idea

Electronic Grade Books
Dina, 5th Grade Teacher: Queens, NY

"Electronic grade books are definitely the way to go into the future of teaching. These types of grade books can be used to store many types of student data, including project grades, test grades, quarter averages, and final grades. You can also include daily attendance, discipline reports, daily up dates, or assignments. I use "Thinkwave" which allows me to post grades and information on the Internet and allows me to access information on my students from home, or wherever I am that has Internet access. This application also allows the parents of my students to access progress up-to-date that is posted for them to have. It has improved my grade management tremendously; I can't imagine doing it any other way!"

Teaching Idea

Power Point!
Amy Cahill, 7th/8th grade: St. Mary Magdalene

"Instead of giving my students a huge test over the planets as we finish the unit, I put them in groups and they had to pick a planet and do a power point presentation on the planet. I used a rubric I found here at TeAch-nology and grade while they present it. Works great! My grading time is virtually cut down 75%. They kids love it and feel they learned more than they would have with a test. Projects work- especially in May!"

Teaching Idea

Brain puzzles to inspire class!
Adrianne Sheron, Teacher

"I have been using a puzzle site called "Wognum Brainwaves" as a great way to get my students going! It works equally well as a starter or to round up a lesson! It seems to work with all ages - not to mention my fellow teachers! ;) "

Teaching Idea

Testing Programs
Tim, Middle School Teacher: Montreal, Canada

"There are a lot of "test development" programs out there that can make your life as a teacher easier. I use "Educatabase" that was originally developed by a teacher for teachers...it creates tests and adminsters them if you want. You have the ability to print tests as well as answer sheets, administer tests on the computer,a nd randomize test items with different versions. Other software applications that are available include MicroTest III (I think there is a newer version), or Linx Test Factory. The money invested, if you have it available, is worth it. You'll create and adminster better tests."