More Seating Arrangements For Students

Diagrams Of Seating Arrangements For Students

Arrow | Aisle | Centers | Direct Teaching | For Projects | Giant "U" |

Groups Of 4 | Science Lab Tables | Semicircle | Staggered Seating | "Z"


Teaching Idea

Mapping the Classroom
Frank, Inclusion Teacher: Suffern, NY

"Invite your students to develop a plan for rearranging the classroom furniture, specifically, the seating Arrangements by using a large sheet of art paper. Provide shapes of the furniture in a variety of colors representing each shape (blue for chairs, red for tables, etc.). Divide the students into four groups and ask each group to come up with a plan that displays an Arrangement that everyone in their group is satisfied with. As a volunteer from each group to report out to the whole group. Vote on the Arrangement that is suited to meet the needs of all and that is safe and reasonable for all students. Great cooperative learning activity."

Teaching Idea

Colors On The Floor
Nelsy, Elementary Teacher

Have you ever wished you could have students flawlessly rearrange their desks based on the type of instruction at any point in time? I think I have come up with a pretty good solution for this.

In the beginning of the year I grabbed five different colored permanent markers and go to work. I numbered each desk. I then rearranged the entire room five times. Each time I rearranged the room, I put four very small dots on the floor and placed a desk number in the upper corner of the dot pattern.

Now anytime I need to have the students rearrange the desks, it takes about two minutes. I will usually just say the color of seating pattern needed and students get the classroom together for me. What a huge improvement over my old method!

Teaching Idea

What's your talking factor?
Robert Shue, Medina Public Schools

"As we all do, when some classes get a little to comfortable with each other, I rearrange seats. When you move a few seats around it is incredible how the dynamics of the room change. I found a system that really works for me when changing seats.

I assign each student a talk factor value. 1 = students that are self disciplined and are never disruptive. 2 = students that rarely are disruptive, but do get distracted at times. 3 = students that will talk and occasionally be disruptive given the opportunity. 4 = students that have little if any self control.

I then base the seating chart on this. First I spread the 4s out and surround them with 1s. I then throw a dash of 3s mixed between the remaining 1s and 2s.

I have to tell you, this works great. I always explain why I am switching seats. After a day or two, students even start to appreciate the switch. They all find it easier to concentrate and the scores go up across the board.

Next 5 Seating Arrangements Ideas