Thanksgiving Web Quest Resources

  • The First Thanksgiving: Mayflower Home Page - Tells the story of the first Thanksgiving, examining what it was and what it was not.
  • History of Thanksgiving -'s History of Thanksgiving allows visitors to travel back to Plymouth and learn surprising facts about the first feast, from what food was consumed to what pilgrims really wore.
  1. The Mayflower Web Pages - The complete site for Mayflower history and genealogy, including an account of the first Thanksgiving in 1621.
  2. Oh, how that Thanksgiving Spread Has Changed Since 1621 - This article from CNN compares the feasts of Thanksgivings past with contemporary American spreads.
  3. The Pilgrims and the Mayflower Compact - Includes descriptions of the first and second Thanksgivings. Also offers a downloadable ZIP package of web pages with historical background information.
  4. The Teenagers of the Mayflower - Thanksgiving history facts about the teens that crossed the Atlantic with their families on the Mayflower.
  5. Thanksgiving - History, customs, and traditions.
  6. Thanksgiving: Its History, Customs, and Traditions - Offers an interactive quiz to test visitors' knowledge of Thanksgiving lore and traditions, as well as an illustrated story of the first Thanksgiving in the New World.
  7. Thanksgiving in Canton, Mass. in 1884 - Reproduction of a Thanksgiving menu from 1884. Complete with cooking instructions which are for reference only--DOES NOT comply with today's USDA standards.
  8. The Thanksgiving Story - Short illustrated history especially for children.