It Takes Money To Make Money Web Quest Resources

  1. 16 Basic Principles of Investing - Offers practical investing overview, links to other investing overview sites.
  2. BasicInvest - Free research, easy to understand definitions, links to top mutual fund companies.
  3. - News, market data, portfolios, mutual funds, personal finance, and discussions.
  4. The Coffeehouse Investor - Advocates an investment strategy of meeting, not beating, the stock market. Free quarterly newsletter.
  5. How to Avoid Internet Investment Scams - Securities and Exchange Commission information about investment fraud.
  6. Income Profiles - Investment advice for those interested in more conservate investments, including real estate and bonds.
  7. Indextracker - Information about the workings and advantages of index investing, asset allocation and re-balancing.
  8. Investing Tax Free - Series of articles for beginning investors with emphasis on tax-free investments
  9. InvesTools - Delivers investment advisory services. Investors can enter a ticker symbol and generate a list of advisor recommendations and model portfolios. Registration required, but is free.
  10. Investor Education Fund - Tips for individual investors in six languages from the Ontario Securities Commission - risks, scams, fees, tools, investment strategies. Includes videos.
  11. InvestorGuide - Free comprehensive guide to investing and personal finance.
  12. The Investor's Clearninghouse - Service provided by the Alliance for Investor Education offers resources to the individual investor and consumers.
  13. Investing - Articles on getting started in investing.
  14. MSN MoneyCentral - Quotes, stock research, portfolio tracking, news, and online bill payment. Keep informed and plan for retirement, college, taxes, insurance, real estate, and savings.
  15. Mutual Fund Education Alliance - Features pricing and performance information on thousands of mutual funds plus news and educational information about fund investing.
  16. Online Investing: The Wall Street Journal - Collection of articles offering information and advice on online investing. Based on the book Online Investing, written by the editors and reporters of the Wall Street Journal, online version.
  17. SmartMoney University - Investor education site with articles appealing both to novices and to veteran investors.
  18. A to Z Investments - 200+ page online book about investing.
  19. WISE - Winning through Investment Strategies & Education - An educational partnership between the Oklahoma Securities Commission and the University of Oklahoma Outreach.
  20. Yahoo!: Beginning Investing - Articles give an overview of investing as well as specific types of investments.