Why Is Latin Such A Helpful Language To Know?

Those keen on learning other languages and thinking "Why is Latin such a helpful language to know" will find that there are actually many benefits to learning Latin. For one, some of the greatest literary masterpieces are written in Latin, so people who understand Latin will grasp the brilliant, original works of classical Latin authors. Students, writers, researchers, lawyers and other professionals can benefit from a study of the Latin language, since most words were culled from Latin meanings. Learning Latin can also help improve a person's English composition, particularly prose; meanings of new words are easily known because the individual studying Latin gets to know the Latin origins of the words. That, in nutshell, sums up a few major reasons why Latin emerges as a good language to learn.

Studying Latin also trains a person to be more precise when using words. Students' reading comprehension likewise improves. When listening to other people (like lawyers or priests) speak in Latin, the person with a grasp of Latin won't feel lost nor groping for meaning. Diverse scientific and academic fields utilize Latin words and expressions, so people who understand Latin carry the advantage of quicker comprehension. Some Biblical passages have Latin words, and history has recorded in Latin important ideas by scholars, mathematicians, explorers, philosophers, artists, writers and other learned men, so imagine the wealth of knowledge that can be assimilated by those who understand the language.

Having been used as the medium of communication by rulers and intellectuals of early civilization, Latin has undoubtedly played an important role in shaping minds. A knowledge of Latin in some way enables people to develop critical thinking, or to analyze and solve problems in methodical manner. Beyond appreciating the vast assortment of works, written in Latin, emanating from great minds, Latin also teaches kids to express their faith in God in an effective way (since most terms used for Holy Mass and the Bible are in Latin). Next time you hear people asking, "Why is Latin such a helpful language to know," you may want to cite examples of Latin Biblical phrases and original classic works of literature written by authors in Latin.

Science students or those planning to embark on careers in the medical profession will also find some knowledge of Latin quite helpful. Plant categories and medical terminologies in Latin are easily understood and committed to memory. Latin words roll off the tongue gracefully, so if you can speak and understand Latin, you not only stand out for your linguistic skill, but you also join the select few who may have built a rich vocabulary and tend to be articulate in conveying ideas with Latin terms. Studying Latin in school can yield to a good outcome, since it ingrains the habit of perusing texts and grasping the underlying meanings, but self-instruction that includes constant reading will also be beneficial.

Familiarization with the Latin grammar system consequently aids in improving English writing. Believe it or not, there have been cases of individuals posting high SAT scores owing to a richer vocabulary takers (that's because they can easily identify the meanings of words with Latin roots and prefixes) scoring high in Math tests is likewise facilitated by a working knowledge of Latin. Indeed, Latin has had so much influence on culture and is used as part of the tools of the trade of many working professionals. Whether you're a student or researcher who must decipher archived works or items with Latin inscriptions, or just plain curious about such an elegant language (and willing to learn it), you'd be amazed at the myriad benefits that'll be uncovered, answering the question, "Why is Latin such a helpful language to know."

Websites for Learning About Latin Languages

  1. Guide to Wheelock's Latin
  2. Latin Wordstock
  3. The National Latin Exam
  4. Scribax
  5. A Selection of Latin and Greek Roots