High School Behavior Report Card Comments

1. Food fights are never appropriate. The next time he/she instigates one, he/she will be suspended.

2. I was very disappointed with his/her attitude. It seemed very childish.

3. Nobody expected him/her to respond with such sarcasm. The other teacher was highly offended.

4. If he/she continues to "slip" and use vulgar language, I will have to inform the principal and write him/her up.

5. It is never good for a student to laugh at a teacher when being corrected. Please encourage him/her to handle correction in a more appropriate manner.

6. He/she does not listen. It's very frustrating as an educator to deal with a student that takes pleasure in ignoring you.

7. There have been many reports of him/her saying very suggestive comments to students of the opposite sex. He has been written up several times about this during this last quarter.

8. He/she needs more sleep. I can be a bit longwinded, but, when a student from the start of the class until the end every day, I begin to think that he/she may be a little bit tired.

9. High school can be overwhelming for some freshman. He/she is struggling to "fit in" and I'm concerned that he/she is going to start to resent school.

10. We try to encourage students not to follow the wrong examples. Please talk to your son/daughter because I have notice that he/she has not been keeping good company.

11. Talking excessively can cause him/her to get an in-school suspension. I've communicated this to _________________ accordingly.

12. He/she often states that he/she does not want to come to school. He/she may need help with something personal.

13. Your son/daughter conveys your expectations to me all of the time. You should be proud knowing that he/she is doing his/her best to meet those expectations.

14. He/she often makes me glad that I became a teacher.

15. __________________ really needs to stop the horseplay. It's very annoying and it makes him/her seem very immature.

16. Public shows of affection are not permitted in school. Please remind him/her of that policy.

17. We have a dress code to help students stay focused. When _______________ wears clothing that does not fit into the dress code, he/she causes a big disturbance for the other students.

18. Each day brings with it another fight. Ask ______________ why we all just can't get along?!? It's taking its toll on our homeroom class.

19. I have received reports of __________________ hanging in another corridor with a group of gang members. We may need to address this over the next semester by helping him to find something more constructive to do.

20. Everybody loves ______________________ and his love of academia is great.

21. Many students have confronted him/her about his/her views. While we encourage positive exchanges between students, we cannot condone students' views when they cause another culture distress.

22. We are still waiting for him/her to adjust to high school, but he/she is always doing something silly as if still in elementary school.

23. He/she is a fantastic student and I'm recommending him/her for student council!

24. I believe that he/she has a lot of potential. But, his friends are not good influences on him/her.

25. I've watched him/her really blossom into a social butterfly. I'm glad that he/she is finally coming out of his/her shell.

26. He/she is a great listener that makes teaching an absolute joy for me!