Motion, Forces and Energy, Gravity and Weight Lesson Plan
Energy charge in matter, conductors, and insulators. Thermodynamics - Heat Transfer
positive, negative, and neutrally charged particles: ( protons,electrons, and neutrons.) A good conductor and a bad conductor.
Objects move when they change position.
Understanding Distance, Speed, and Time Relationships
Vocabulary: Distance vs. Time Graph
Frame of Reference
Constant Speed
Average Speed
Mass and Force
Calculating Acceleration Due to gravity
In this section the basic idea of motion is explored. This section characterizes motions in to four basic types: translational, circular, projectile, and rotational. Also, a key point is to understand motion diagrams and be able to make them. These diagrams are the beginning foundation understanding motion. The graph is a display of the displacement of an object at constant time interval. Then in section two we transfer the motion diagram to a particle model. These are exactly the same graphs, but the object is now represented in a simpler form of a particle. In the third section we translate the particle diagram to a position versus time graph. On the x-axis we have displacement of the car in meters or another SI Unit. In the y-axis we have time which is show in seconds. In section four we then transfer the position-time graph to a velocity-time graph. To form the velocity time graph you determine the slope of the line in the position-time graph. This is done by (R2-R1)/(T2-T1)= velocity (meters/seconds).
Goals and Aim
1. Students will increase their understanding of how an object moves from
a level of not knowing to a level of understanding the vocabulary.
2. Students will increase their understanding of how an object gains speed
from a level of not knowing to a level of understanding.
3. Understanding aspects of Motion
4. Relating the principles of MOTION to everyday life with relative connections.
5. To work out Force due to Gravity
6. To Know the difference between weight and mass.
1.Discuss how forces: gravity and friction cause acceleration.
2.Define vocabulary.
3. Utilize technology to enhance learning.
4. Find out how to calculate speed.
5. Identify and describe situations with constant rates of change and compare
6. Make and test predictions about step sizes and finish times.
Notes Handout
DVD from Book "Lesson 1 Motion, Forces and Energy", Smart Board, and United
Streaming clips
A. Introduction-
To introduce this activity, ask two student volunteers to stand in front
of the classroom to physically demonstrate and discuss the results of each
of the following scenarios:
1. Scenario #1: Two students start from the same position at one end of
the classroom. One student takes giant-steps while the other takes baby-steps.
Each student takes one step per second. Who gets to the other end of the
classroom first? How many steps are taken? Discuss the results.
2. Scenario #2. One student starts behind the other at the same end of the
classroom, both walking with equal stride and pace. Each student takes one
step per second. Who gets to the other end of the classroom first? How many
steps does each student take? Discuss the results. Ask students to predict
the effect of changing the length of stride.
3. Instruct students that they will use Gizmos to learn about the relationship
between distance and time.
1.DVD Ch. 12 Lesson 1 Motion, Forces and Energy
2.Write Vocabulary for Lesson 1
3.Discovery Education clips on forces, motion and energy
4. In their notebooks, try their best to explain their walk from their last
class to my class.
5.Share/Post on board
Weight and Force:
1. Why does everything fall down and what is mass?
2. What is gravity?
3. How much do you weigh? (force)
B. Development-
1. Distribute Gizmo handout to each group of students
2. Tell students that they will take turns using Gizmos.
3. Students will work in groups of two. One will be the mouse driver and
the other the reader/recorder for the group.
4. The "Mouse Driver" controls the action of the mouse and movement on the
computer screen.
5. The "Reader/Recorder" will read the directions from the activity sheet
and record observations while guiding the activity.
6. Partners should switch roles until all have moved the runner.
Part 2:
1. Demonstrate how to measure the speed of a marble.
2. Video game connections
3. Airplane connections
Part 3:
1. All objects have mass.
What is mass?
what is it measured in?
2. Changes motion.
Size of acceleration depends on size of force.
Doubling force does what to acceleration
Doubling mass does what to acceleration.
Show equation force = mass x acceleration (f = ma), say what each is measured
3. Change in weight due to gravity acceleration.
Gravity is attractive. The bigger the mass stronger attraction.
Earth is big enough to notice gravity (falling)
Weight is the force from f = ma where a is the acceleration due to gravity.
C. Practice-
1. Students will measure the speed of a marble by measuring the speed of
a marble 10 times.
2. Allow students to explore the Gizmo by moving and pressing any buttons.
3. Begin the lesson with the Gizmo Warm-up Activity
4. Give examples using f = ma, changing all three concepts
D. Independent Practice-
1. Students will take notes on vocabulary.
2. Students will write a paragraph on coyote comparing how energy is like
3. Activity A- Learning about the runner's position
4. Activity B - Learning about the runner's direction and speed
5. Activity C - Learning about how to use two runners and two graphs
E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-
1. Students who need visual accommodations will sit in the front.
2. Students with learning disabilities will have text book high lighted
and shortened assignments.
3. Classic note taking
4. Descriptions through illustrations on the board
5. Video clip
F. Checking for understanding-
1. Discuss Vocabulary
2. Quiz on the clips
3. Discuss results of calculating marble speeds.
4. Active and fluid discussion in "their own words" regarding what was taught.
5. Questions or tasks that encourage students to reflect on their work
6. Worksheet questions and answers.
G. Closure-
1. Tell a Native American tale of how coyote changes forms as he wishes
in order to be another animal as a trickster. Students will relate the coyote
to energy.
2. Ask students what was learned in class
3. Students reflect on their work
1. Quiz on Discovery Education clips.
2.Paragraph rubric.
3.How were students able to use Gizmo
4. What problems were encountered