Lesson Plan Title : How Mother Earth Looks (Landforms)
Overview and Purpose: This lesson will explore different landforms. The vocabulary for this lesson includes:
prairie / plain
1. To analyze the dynamic relationships between people with the land, environments, events and ideas as they have affected the past, shape the present and influence the future.
2. Use maps and globe skills learned in prekindergarten to grade five to interpret different kinds of projections as well as landforms.
3.Use geographic terms correctly: landform, mountain, hill, plain, plateau, river, island peninsula.
1. Students will be able to identify general characteristics of maps and globes as models of all or parts of the Earth.
2. Develop a consensus of respect amongst the students.
Play-dough, construction paper, pencils, computer aCtive Board/ projector, 8 x 14 white paper, coloring materials, plastecine.
1. Discuss key vocabulary.
2. Ask guiding questions, such as "Who knows what a landform is?"
3. Ask "Who lives on a landform?"
4. Read, "This is Canada" by Nicholas Kouncar. Discuss the various landforms that each page depicted.
1. Using a computer, show images and explain landforms.
2. Using a computer, show images and explain mountain, hill, plain, plateau, river, island and peninsula.
3. Using Smartboard go to above address. Look at the pictures available. Read key parts of the explanations.
Class Practice:
1. Discuss landforms in the area.
2. Have students talk about how landforms affect their lives, such as sledding, and driving.
3. Students will choose one landform to illustrate using paper and coloring materials.
4. Students will choose one landform to illustrate using plastecine.
Independent Practice:
1. Pass out to each student a piece of construction paper with a landform on it.
2. Using play-dough, have students model their landmark and draw what the land looks like around it on the paper.
3. Have them present the model.
Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction):
1. Peer partners.
2. Students can use their notes from previous classes.
Learning Checkup:
1. The students will all develop a landform and discuss their landform with 75% accuracy.
Guiding Questions
1. Does the landform word match the illustration?
2. Does the plactecine match the landform word?
3. Tell them to watch for landforms on their way home tonight.
Wrap Up:
Have students achieved the knowledge of how globes and maps are pictures of the Earth through making illustrations.