Waldorf Professional Development
- Bay Area Center for Waldorf Teacher Training - Offers a full program with experienced faculty. The class schedule allows students who work full-time to attend.
- Online Waldorf Library - Searchable database of Waldorf education resource materials.
- OpenWaldorf.com - Topics, research tools and community for Waldorf parents.
- Peter Normann Waage Answers Allegations - Anthroposophical response to Nazi-allegations against Rudolf Steiner and anthroposophy. The excesses and excrescences of Waldorf critics.
- Schooling the Imagination - Article from the Atlantic Monthly describing Waldorf education.
- Sunbridge College - Waldorf elementary and early childhood teacher education programs leading to certification and a Master's Degree option. Continuing education for teachers and administrators.
- Waldorf Answers - Details on Waldorf schools, their philosophy and a number of the myths cultivated about Waldorf education.
- Waldorf Education Home Schooling List - Discussion forum for homeschoolers whose philosophy and curriculum are inspired by the writings of Rudolf Steiner.
- Waldorf Inspired Students at Home - Provides lesson plans and support materials for homeschooling based on the Waldorf model.
- Waldorf Resources - Information for present and prospective Waldorf school parents.