Are you very satisfied with teaching as a career?'s Teacher Poll of the Week
Are you very satisfied with teaching as a career?

View Results

This poll garnered a lot of response and most of it was positive. Almost three quarters of those teachers who took this poll are very satisfied with teaching as a career. Most of society likes to believe that teachers enter the profession because they want to make a positive difference in the lives of children. The fact that so many teachers are happy at work seems to be proof of this thought.

The results of this poll are surprising because they buck the national trend. Recent surveys report that job satisfaction in the United States is at a twenty two year low of 45%, down from 61.1%. A record number of respondents, totalling 25%, felt that they would not be in the same job within one year's time. Knowing that teachers are well above the national average is a comforting thought.

Our children should be taught in an atmosphere of respect and caring and being in a classroom with teachers who are highly dissatisfied and ready to leave the profession would be very upsetting to parents and students alike. The optimum atmosphere for learning takes place when teachers have the best interest of students at heart and are genuinely happy to be at work.

The teaching profession is probably one of the toughest. Maintaining a calm demeanour under stressful conditions takes a certain type of person and that is exactly the type of person we want our children to emulate. Spending the day with inquisitive youngsters, noisy pre-teens or indifferent teenagers is not for everyone, yet teachers soldier on. A basic belief in the importance of education must help teachers get through the tough situations and deal with the most difficult students. Knowing that they are helping better the lives of these students must be very satisfying, even if the results are not evident on a daily basis.

Perhaps the number one reason that teachers are so satisfied with their careers is the incredible opportunities it gives them with regard to gifts. You can never have too many mugs or Christmas ornaments that say "#1 Teacher". Who wouldn't be happy with all those riches?