Have you read the new Harry Potter book yet?

TeAch-nology.com's Teacher Poll of the Week
Have you read the new Harry Potter book yet?
No 63.9%
Yes 36.1%

Total Votes: 581


What Do The Results Tell Us, So Far?

Harry Potter is one book series which seems to cross all age boundaries. Students of all ages avidly await the latest book or movie release, but so do many adults. Older teenagers are slightly more immune to the hype surrounding the series probably because they are too busy with homework, cars and the opposite sex to have the time. Also they perceive it as a children's book and so something they don't want to waste their time on. They couldn't be more wrong. Many parents began reading the books to their children or simply because they wanted to know what their kids were reading. Now they're hooked too.

Harry Potter is, at its heart, an old-fashioned, good versus evil story. Throw in wizards, witches, dragons, black magic, and some adolescent love stories and you've got the makings of a phenomenal world-wide franchise. Any adult wishing to have a connection to young people or a way of starting a conversation can rely on Harry Potter to provide. The books and movies are so universally well known that it can provide conversation fodder for even some of the most difficult to reach students.

Our poll showed a strong majority of teachers had read the book which makes perfect sense. Except those involved with teaching students in the upper grades of high school, Harry Potter is almost a requirement. Some schools have Harry Potter days, use the house system to sort their own students and have movie nights featuring nothing but Harry Potter. When you find something that is so universally well liked and accepted by students, it only makes sense to use that as an educational tool. Students respond with enthusiasm and forget that they are learning and working at the same time.

For those of you who haven't read the book yet, what are you waiting for? It really is a good read and an exciting story which expounds the virtues of courage, compassion, trust, friendship and honor. If everything our students or children read provided such excellent examples of behavior to emulate the world would benefit greatly.