Lesson Plan : Exploring Balances

Teacher Name:
 Minda Egbert
 Grade 2

 Exploring Scientific Tools: Balances
 Vocabulary: balance
 Students will experiment using a scientific balance in three stations. The students need to understand how a balance works because it is an important part of learning to be a scientist. This is just one tool of many that scientists need to perform experiments.
 1. The student will learn to use a scientific balance as part of the scientific process. 2. The student will observe, predict and record their findings from each station in their science journal. 3. The student will experiment with the balance with a small group of others in their classroom. This will allow for scientific collaboration.
 Chart tablet, marker, Science Journals, pencils, 6 balances (two for each group). Station #1: 2 hundred flats, a variety of common classroom objects. Station #2: 20 unifix cubes, variety of common classroom objects. Station #3: variety of light and heavy objects.
 I will have the students in a community circle on the floor. I will place a balance on the floor in front of me and ask "Who knows what this scientific tool is?" After student answers, I will ask "Who knows what it is for?" I will record their answers on the chart tablet. Once we have established what a balance is, I will model an example (see Development).
 I will show the students two objects (marker and small chapter book). I will ask the students to predict what they think will weigh more and why. I will record their predictions to the chart tablet. I will then explain that they are going to be working with three stations all involving balances. I will model all three stations for the students. *See attached station sheets I will ask for questions, divide them into their scientific groups and let them begin.
 Students will move from station to station every 15-20 minutes. Station #1: Students will place classroom objects on their balance to figure out which ones have MORE mass than a hundred flat. They will look at each object and predict which objects have more mass than the hundred flat. They will then write their predictions in their journals. Next, they will place the hundred flat on one side of the balance and choose an object to place on the other side of the balance. Students will observe the balance and see which side is lower. This is the side that has more mass. They will test the rest of the objects. In their science journals, students will write the name of each object that has MORE mass than the hundred flat and draw a picture of each object. Station #2: Students will place objects on the balance to figure out which will have LESS mass than 10 unifix cubes. They will look at each object and predict which objects have LESS mass than the unifix cubes. They will write their predictions in their journals. Next, the students will place 10 unifix cubes on one side of the balance. They will place an object on the other side of the balance and observe. They will notice which side is higher. This side has LESS mass. They will record which objects has LESS mass in their science journals and draw a picture of each object. Station #3: Students will use a balance to order classroom objects by their mass from lightest to heaviest. They will record in their journal how they figured out how to order the objects. Next, they will draw a picture of the objects from lightest to heaviest.
 1. Check for direction understanding with ESOL students (Vivian, Jinsil, Eric, Brandon, Ryan, Richard, Kevin) 2. Be aware that Talen may not be able to record all findings. Have him in a group with patient students.
Checking For Understanding:
 Were students able to complete stations successfully? Did students give appropriate descriptions of what a balance is and what it does? Did students stay on task and have fun during stations?
Teacher Reflections:

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