The Arguments Behind the Professionalization of Teaching
There have been changes in the perceptions of education in recent years - and this has been partially due to the new flows of information and teacher resources which can be found in the form of the Internet. Because of how our financial situation is brittle and because of how there are challenges which remain in our society, there have been arguments regarding whether or not teaching should be professionalized - and whether or not this is good value for money.
Those who commentate in the world of education now believe that you need to have so much more if you are going to be an effective teacher. Teaching your lessons is no longer enough because of how those who spend time in a classroom with students are expected to look out for a number of different things - including a depressive or negative personality in one of the students, or even signs of abuse in some severe circumstances.
Because of this, there are many arguments that a teacher needs to be authoritative, but in a way that makes them likeable, respectable and approachable. Sometimes, a child might feel detached from their parents and their home, and because of how a student spends more than half of their time at school, the next port of call for a conversation in confidence can be a teacher. If a teacher is not a professional, how will a student feel that they are confident enough in the person who teaches them to confide in serious issues?
A teacher needs to be consistent in their teaching - ensuring that they are present for all of the lessons that they are obliged to take. Missing lessons as a teacher is not only reckless from an occupational sense, but the cancellation of lessons or a substitution teacher can have a negative effect on students who might be contending with some frightening exams, needing the consistency and the direction of the teacher that they usually have. With substitution teachers not having a personal relationship with students, a knowledge of what has been covered in class, and a different approach to teaching, it can be detrimental for students if the teacher's professionalism is not consistent.
Even though it can be important to be firm and fair, losing your temper has been proven to be ineffective. There will be times when students might misbehave or where they will not fulfill the expectations and what you have planned in class, but the points of call following on from this should be a discussion and not alternative methods such as shouting and isolation from the rest of the class. Talking through an issue can allow you to gain a better understanding of the reasoning behind why something might have happened. Also, if you are willing to get to know the people you teach, you might have a broader knowledge of the different circumstances which they might be handling in their personal life.
A working relationship can be made so much more productive when it is brought in line with a personal relationship. Bond with your students; talk about last night's episode of The Simpsons. Being open and informal from time to time can actually add to your professionalism.
Go Deeper Into Our Professionalization of Teaching Categories
- Assessing the Skills of Teachers
- How Teaching Portfolios Can Advance Your Career
- Teacher Merit Pay
- Removal of Teacher Tenure
- Teacher Glossary of Terms in Teaching
- Teacher Shortage
- What is Teacher Tenure?