Listening Rubric Generator

This rubric can help you assess the listening skills of children, when reading a story to them. To make your listening rubric, fill in the information below.


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School Name:
Title of Rubric:
Teacher Name:


Choose one picture from the pictures below by:

Monkey Around
I Can Answer It!
Boy Writing
Girl Writing
Colorful Writing
Last Minute
Boy Writing 2
Big Pencil
Big Pencil 2

Once you have completed the form above, click the "GENERATE-LISTENING RUBRIC " button below to create your rubric.

How to Assess Listening Skills

Hearing someone speak a language to reply to them or understand them means being efficient in all the skills related to the language. Listening is one of the most important skills as it helps understand communication in a language and gives the listener the ability to communicate effectively. Hence, knowing how to assess listening skills of students is just as important as teaching it.

How to Assess Listening Skills of Students

To assess your students' listening skills and provide them with your valuable feedback, you must first design a rubric. Developing a rubric makes assessment easy while allowing students to get a comprehensive outline of what's expected from them.

Here are the criteria for listening skills you can use in your rubric and some activities to integrate these assessments.


A huge part of becoming efficient in a language is to hear and understand what someone's trying to communicate. Knowing how to comprehend a verbal message will eliminate the room for errors and make students great listeners. However, pronunciation and accent often become a hurdle, while complex sentences can also challenge students in underwear a passage.

Hence comprehension is an important criterion for assessing your students' listening skills. Activities such as answering questions regarding a listening passage or summarizing the passage at the end can be a great tool for assessment. Start with topics that students know. In later classes, you can move on to presenting new information or changing the accent to help students become fluent in every situation.

Identification of Factual Details

While comprehending a person's message in a particular language is crucial, listening to it for basic details can also help your students go a long way. Only recognizing important information can help students distinguish between two similar situations or events. Hence, your students must be able to identify basic details from a passage and categorize them either by prior knowledge or in the passage's context.

A multiple-choice questionnaire or matching pictures with texts are great activities to test your student's ability to identify facts. Apart from that, you can also provide worksheets with a compare and contrast activity through pictures so that students can look for intricate details and distinguish the pictures based on their listening skills.


Every language has numerous words, some with similar pronunciations while others with similar spellings. This inexhaustible bank of vocabularies can often cause a mix-up between the comprehension of two words. Hence, your students must be well-equipped with the understanding of a word to identify its context in a passage and spell it out accurately.

Dictation of words and paragraphs is a common but effective activity in assessing this listening criterion. Use homophones in lengthy listening paragraphs to make it more challenging for your students.

Application of Instructions

Most commonly, a language is used to communicate instructions to other people. Hence, while understanding the purpose of a message is essential, it's equally important to assess how well students can apply the instructions provided.

To test these abilities in students, you may require either an instructional passage that students can extract information from, or you can organize an activity based on the instructions provided in a passage. Observe how well students remember and implement the instructor to assess their listening skills.

Wrap Up!

Knowing how to assess listening skills of students is crucial as listening skills contribute to making a language impactful. Having proper criteria for listening skills set out for listening assessments can make assessing effective as it would save you time while letting your students have comprehensive feedback. Make the above-discussed criteria part of your rubric to evaluate your student's listening skills holistically.