Homework Rubric Generator

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Title of Rubric:
Teacher Name:


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Last Minute

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How to Grade Homework with a Rubric

Grading assignments and keeping track of students' homework is a part of a teacher's life. It's also the least favorite part as it takes up a lot of time to go through each student's assignment and grade them without any biases. That's where rubrics come in handy.

How to Design Rubrics for Assignment Evaluation

Designing rubrics for assignment evaluation can be time-consuming. But this one-time effort can save you hours in the days to come. For creating a comprehensive rubric, you must set the criteria on which you'll be grading students' homework. You can include the following areas in your rubric:

Grading Criteria

Grading criteria are the aspects of the homework you'll be giving scores for. It may include neatness, accuracy, completion of tasks, quality, etc.

Learning Objectives

The first column must be of defined learning objectives. Clear and precise objectives will guide you in checking the accuracy of the assignment. Learning objectives also aid you in deciding the criteria for grading.

Grading Scale

The first row should consist of the scale you'll be using to grade the assignment. Are you using a range of 1-5, with one being the least amount of scores and five being the highest? Whatever grading scale you decide, the next step of defining characteristics would be based on that.

Criteria Characteristics

Now that you've decided on a grading scale, you must develop the characteristics you'd look for to award or deduct scores. For instance, if a student has given all the accurate information regarding the topic, they can get the highest score for the criterion of accuracy. These characteristics will aid you in comparing students' work with the rubric and make grading easy. Whichever cell of characteristics is compatible with students' work, award the score of that cell's row.

Basic Requirements

These are the basic information filled for individual students. This information includes the student's name, date of submission, number of pages, etc. Basic requirements will help you keep track of each student's assignment.

Why Should You Use Rubrics for Grading Assignments?

Knowing how to grade using a rubric is imperative for teachers to make this tedious task of going through assignments and scoring them efficient but error-free.

Efficient Grading

Grading numerous homework and paying attention to every individual's work is a time-consuming task. Using rubrics helps you do this task efficiently as you have criteria preset, and now you can grade your students' work by comparing it against the rubric.

Fair Assessment

A rubric gives you the means to fairly assess each of your students' tasks. Grading a bunch of assignments at a time can give room for errors and biases but comparing each assignment to the rubric assists you in reducing the chance of such errors. If the desired characteristics are present in a child's homework, you award the scores; if not, you deduct.


Rubrics effectively enable teachers to assess students' homework papers more quickly and accurately while reducing bias. It provides a list of criteria that students have to follow.

Developing rubrics for assignment evaluation can be time-consuming but also rewarding. Tailor an online rubric template or follow the guidelines above to design a rubric from scratch and grade away homework effortlessly.