What Is Early Intervention?

Early intervention typically refers to the discovery of some sort of disability. These are often developmental issues involving children. The issues surrounding disabilities are vast. Early intervention occurs when parents learn about a condition before its effects have been realized. This can sometimes take place when the child is still and infant. There are obvious pros and cons associated with this sort of knowledge.

Some parents prefer to know what their child's status is before problems arise. Others would simply rather not know until there are concerns. It is no secret; however, that early intervention makes the way for improvement in some cases. The earlier that certain issues are addressed parents are able to plan for the future. Children are often able to progress above expectation with this preparation.

Special needs children are thought to fit into two common areas. These are those with mild disabilities or profound ones. Through much research and study this umbrella has broadened quite a bit. It now includes many children that would not typically be considered special needs. Here you will discover children with severe allergies, terminal illnesses, psychological problems, and other types of delays.

The care for all of these children requires individual treatment. Each case will be different because each child is different. Early intervention allows parents to not only adjust to their child's abilities. It also allows them to raise the bar a bit. With appropriate treatment from doctors and therapists, these children can achieve a lot. Many of them will be able to live at vastly higher standards than expected of them.

Communities around the country provide services to assist families with disabled children. There are home-based and center-based services available in most instances. Services include different types of therapy. Therapy has become an essential component to deal with special needs. There are many forms of therapy to address specific needs. Behavioral therapy and physical therapy are popular forms to most people.

It is normal for children with developmental problems to struggle with their behavior. This is sometimes due to frustration related to physical challenges. Therapists are able to cater treatment to the needs of each patient. Speech can be a problem for some children with developmental disabilities. They simply do not have the verbal skills required to communicate. In these instances speech therapists or pathologists are able to work with the child. They work on verbal and non-verbal communication tools.

One thing that parents must understand about early intervention is that it is not a cure all for their child. This typically means a long road of treatment, therapy, and alternate forms of education. Children with physical disabilities will require these things, as well as, movement assistance. All of these issues can be overwhelming for many people. This is why support groups and organizations have been formed. They work to take some of the burden off the shoulders of parents. These groups provide information, assistance, and connections for families with disabled or handicapped children. Their help is absolutely invaluable and necessary.

More Information On Early Intervention

  1. Beyond Play
  2. Childhood League Center
  3. Family & Advocates Partnership for Education (FAPE)
  4. Zero To Three