What is Informal Instruction?
It is standard in most cultures that children go to school to receive a formal education. However, there is a large portion of the population that is beginning to accept the notion that formal education is not necessarily the most effective form of instruction. As such, informal instruction is recognized as equally effective as more formal methods. In fact, there are many benefits to informal instruction, even as it occurs outside the standard classroom setting.
What is the Difference Between Formal and Informal Instruction?
Formal instruction, or formal education, is the education a student receives in a classroom setting from a pre-designed syllabus. Informal instruction is learning which takes place outside of this formal setting. Informal instruction can occur anywhere from an after-school program to museums and libraries to home-schooling. Since each person learns in different ways, informal instruction can be for some, the best way to learn. Additionally, this type of learning does not rely heavily on books and words.
Who Benefits From Informal Instruction?
There is not a prerequisite to the age group that will benefit most from learning in an informal environment. In fact, many professionals believe that all people learn through informal methods throughout life. For instance, infants and children learn how to move and communicate while imitating their parents and caretakers. As a result, it is not uncommon for adults to learn new hobbies or abilities by performing the action. In fact, people will continue their informal education throughout their life.
Where Informal Instruction Can be Found?
In order to be considered an informal education, the instruction must take place outside of a formal learning environment. However, this does not mean that training from a professional is considered formal. If a man were to go to take golf lessons at his country club from the club trainer, he would still be benefiting from informal instruction. With this being said, informal guidance can be experienced nearly anywhere. A trip to a museum, library, or symphony can all be placed into the category of informal instruction.
Why Opt for an Informal Education?
One of the more important factors to remember is that most people engage in informal education because they want to, not because they have to. In addition, it is often more advantageous to receive informal training as opposed to formal learning strategies. In fact, It has been found that children are able to learn much more when they feel comfortable and less intimidated by the process. Consequently, this also applies to adults. Once the pressure from more formal methods is removed, a person is much more likely to absorb information.
The Increasing Acceptance of Informal Instruction
Over the past decade, informal instruction has become widely acknowledged as an acceptable alternative to the more formal setting of the classroom. In the United States, there are up to a million children reportedly engaged in home -schooling. In addition, It has been found that children who are home-schooled have higher comprehension and cognitive skills than those children attending traditional schools. These statistics show that for the right child, the informal educational settings can be more effective. Children who are permitted to receive informal instruction in the early part of life continue this method into adulthood. Informal education does not focus on books and structure. Conversely, informal learning requires the use of the senses to gain a better understanding of the concepts presented. Testing is rarely a requirement in an informal setting, allowing the mind to absorb information without being pressured.