Waves and Wavelike Motion Lesson Plan


Students will utilize props to demonstrate the different types of waves and wave motion, as well as the specific properties of waves.

-Transverse/Light Wave
-Longitudinal/Sound Waves
Light Waves
Sound Waves

Goals and Aim

1.To Show that sound waves have energy.
2.To Show that light waves have energy.
3.That light and sound wave change with different materials.
4. Understand what a wave is.
5. Be able to distinguish between a transverse and longitudinal wave.
6. Understand how waves travel.
7. To review the two types of waves above.
8.To teach the natural effects of these waves


Be able to demonstrate the understanding and evaluate evidence of how light, sound and other waves have energy. Students will also be able to explain how these sources can and do interact with different materials.

1.To emphasize the difference of the nature of the waves.
2.To familiarize the children with the theoretical and realistic aspects of the waves


White boards, markers, hex nut, balloon, index card, rubber band, foam pieces, string,craft sticks, scissors, laser, glow sticks, Textbook,Dry-erase board,and poster-size photo visuals.


A. Introduction-

1.Review of key terms of light and sound waves
2.Share ideas with partners.
3. Will beginning by reviewing the two types of waves learned last lesson.

B. Development-

1.Use Question and Answer to retrieve information from students.
2.Create Notes to review from the Q and A.
3.Teach new lesson off of last lessons notes.
4.Show sound waves in a balloon with hex nut and then with penny.

C. Practice-

1.Make Noise creating buzzer - show example
2. Have the children read from book and discuss what the information means to them.
3. Dicuss any questions that arise for the benefit of all.

D. Independent Practice-

1. With partner,make own noise buzzer

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1.Some students kits will already be partially assembled.
2.Some students will not have to write out the response questions. They will have to answer yes or no.

F. Checking for understanding-

1.On sticky notes have them write what sound waves are.
2. Asks various students to model thier thinking as to how they arrived at the differences of displayed wave visuals.
3. Prepare for test by giving students worksheets that cover the material on the test.
4. Use test as assessment in the following lesson.

G. Closure-

1. Introduce Light waves, turn out lights and have them break glow sticks.
2. Shine laser
3 1.Study and review notes
4. Do not allow yourself to get confused.Use my notes and the textbook for guidance.


1. Introduce Light waves, turn out lights and have them break glow sticks.
2. Shine laser
3 1.Study and review notes
4. Do not allow yourself to get confused.Use my notes and the textbook for guidance.


I Think that the children learn better with visuals, so I use them a lot. I get much feedback reporting that that image you drew really helped. I think that all the children will be able to master the upcoming test with my lecture notes, visuals, assigned study pages, and the refreshment of today.