Lesson Plan Title : Identifing Themes and Generalization

Age Range: Grade 6 through grade 8 (Middle School)

Objective: The learner will:

- Demonstrate knowledge of story and identify theme and generalization after reading a selection.

- Compare and contrast the style of language of two pieces of work from the same author.


Key Vocabulary: Anthology, embroider, fulfill, nostalgia, and trauma.

"Only Daughter" by Sandra Cisneros

The Cloud of Unknowing


Give students five minutes to respond to the daily writing prompt of your choice. After they are finished you may have them share some of their responses with the class or their partner. You might have to explain the prompt or give examples. (5-8 min.)


- Have students read Accidental Love, chapter 14, as a class. Then give them five minutes to respond in their journals. Please tell them to include the climax of the novel in the journal response. (25 min.)

- Have students read "Only Daughter" by Sandra Cisneros.

Wrap Up:

Have students answer the questions on the board, complete a Venn diagram, and vocabulary in action. Students should compare the themes of the works within a Venn Diagram. Pages and directions are on the board.