Lesson Plan Title : Poetry Unit

Age Range: Grade 9 through grade 12 (High School)

Objectives: Learn and apply new vocabulary words through definition, examples, illustrations, synonym, and antonym.

Apply a variety of reading strategies by completing a journal entry after reading a selection independently.

Analyze two poems by identifying a variety of figurative language and sound devices in both.

Write a compare and contrast essay demonstrating knowledge of the interpretations and opinions of two poems.


Key Vocabulary: simile, metaphor, personification, tone, mood, symbolism, idiom, irony, hyperbole, imagery, allusion, meter, rhyme, rhythm, rhyme scheme, repetition, alliteration, onomatopoeia, assonance, consonance, refrain.

Literature book, transparencies, note cards, power point, white boards.


Define rhyme, alliteration, and assonance in a poem.

Students are to read silently for 20 minutes at their independent level and summarize the reading using a variety of reading strategies.

Reading: As an opener to the reading selection, students will discuss a time when they read a poem or listened to a song and the immediate effect it had on them. They will be asked to discuss why they think writers use poems to express feelings rather that in another form of writing. They will also be introduced to Edgar Allan Poe and given a brief summary of who he was and why he was famous.

Review the steps taken to better understand poetry (form, reading, visualize, clarify, and evaluate). Guide students in following the steps by stopping and recoding information before and after reading the poem "Annabel Lee" by Edgar Allan Poe. After students have a clear understanding of the events in the poem, have them respond to the following questions: How would you define the speaker's love for Annabel Lee? Would you want to feel or be the object of such a love? Explain why or why not?


Have students identify sound devices in the first stanzas of the poem "Bell" by Edgar Alan Poe.

Wrap Up:

Have students read the two poems again paying special attention to the how they are alike and how they are different. Create a foldable in which they can compare and contrast the two poems in regards to speaker, topic, and effects. .