Lesson Plan Title : Context clues, Plot Structure, Conflict, and Personal Narrative Essay

Age Range: Grade 9 through grade 12 (High School)

Objectives: Students will be able to ask questions about concepts and facts that are confusing. Students will be able to read and discuss with a partner a piece of fiction text.

WRITING: Student will be able to develop extended sentences and develop note-taking and summarizing skills. Develops Extended Sentences: They will exercise this skill by completing a 5-paragraph composition.

DEVELOPS QUICK WRITES: The students will be able to complete one paragraph each day throughout the week responding to a given prompt involving one of their vocabulary words in the form of a journal question. They will do so under the think/pair/share process. The students will also exercise this writing IC through the completion of the Four Square Vocabulary activity.

READING: Comprehension: students will be able to understand text structure, make connections and build critical thinking skills.

FLUENCY: students will be able to exercise their ability to read and speak with accuracy, speed, and prosody by reading the textbook's section and doing presentations on student friendly definitions for each vocabulary word. The word wall will be used to support instruction, the graphic organizer will be used to insure word meaning, and group activities will be formulated around exercising and reviewing their obtained knowledge of the vocabulary words.

Students will be able to actively view a power point presentation on the elements of plot.

Students will be bale to read the short story "The Necklace" that includes an engaging plot, effectively developed character, and clearly described setting. Using their knowledge of the element of plot, students will be able to construct a plot diagram for the story.

Students will be able do define conflict and identify the various types of conflict in a story.

Students will be able to write a personal narrative essay.

Key vocabulary: Context clues, plot, exposition, setting, characters, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution, conflict solicitously, stamina, tangible, uncanny, zealous, narrative, recite, memoir, and anecdote.


Dictionary, thesaurus, white paper, pen, pencil, markers, butcher paper, timer, power point presentation, and The Language of Literature textbook.


The teacher will provide students with student-friendly definitions for the vocabulary words of the week. The teacher will lecture students on the elements of a personal narrative and will provide students the corresponding notes. The teacher will guide students through a whole class reading of the short stories: "The Necklace", and "A Dangerous Game"/ The teacher will create a vocabulary quiz for the student to assess their understanding of vocabulary words. The teacher will lecture and provide notes on the different types of context clues and their applicability to unknown words. The teacher will present a power point on conflict and its different types. The teacher will guide students through the draft of a personal narrative by providing corresponding notes and appropriate examples.

Students will actively listen to lecture and take notes on the various types of context clues. They will complete context clues exercises. They will actively participate in the context clues center activity, which allow for them to define unknown words from the story "The Necklace."

Students will be reading short stories with a purpose. For the story "The Necklace" students will be able to apply their understanding of the elements of plot by completing a plot diagram for the story. For the story "A Dangerous GAME" students will be able to apply their understanding of conflict by identifying examples in the story of the different types of conflict and completing a graphic organizer as they read.

Students will understand the purpose of a personal narrative essay. They will actively listen and take notes on the format of a personal narrative essay. Students will read examples of narratives. Students will create a plot diagram as the prewriting plan of their personal narrative and will walk through the writing process as they write their personal narrative essay.

Context clues center activity, four square vocabulary quadrants, plot diagram, posters, conflict graphic organizer, quick writes/journals, note taking and summarizing, whole class reading, independent reading/AR, and drafting personal narrative

Assessment :

Vocabulary test, context clue test, elements of plot test, conflict test, completion of activities pertaining to the writing process of their personal narrative essay, and teacher observations