Middle School Social Studies Lesson Plans Number 101 to 150

  1. Multicultural Day/International Market- Divide students into groups. Each group will choose or be given a specific country to study. They must learn what kinds of items are made and sold in their country and decide what things they want to make for their booth at the market.
  2. Music with a Message- Rewrite a popular tune to reflect political positions of Democratic and Republican parties.
  3. Native American Play- Drama: learn about Native Americans.
  4. Native American Units- Activities for Native American units.
  5. Net art debuts at museum- Students will analyze and broaden their understanding of what signifies "art."
  6. Patrick Henry's Persuasive Essay- Connecting Social Studies curriculum with writing and figurative language
  7. Poem on Kwakiutl, Cheyenne, and Navajo- Facts about the tribes learned in 3rd grade.
  8. Presidential Fact Find- Students will use two internet sites to locate information and produce a crossword puzzle.
  9. Presidents of the United States- Students will utilize the Internet to gather information in order to create products.
  10. Project Postcard- This lesson was designed to strengthen student knowledge of the geographical location of the 50 United States.
  11. Proms For Ill Teens- Students will: Appreciate differences in others. Explain the effects of chronic disabilities. Create ways to improve inclusion efforts in their school and/or community.
  12. Propaganda- The purpose for this lesson is to show the students that some things could have two meanings and let the students practice their skills of analyzing pictures.
  13. Question of the day- This is an optional activity and I am always amazed to see the growth in my students' interest from the beginning of the year to the end of the year.
  14. Quilting Your Way to States & Capitals- My fourth graders really like learning their states and capitals with this activity. I have students make a cutout of each state. We then write a letter to the governor of each state asking them to please sign the cutout of their state.
  15. Rainforest- TLW develop an appreciation and respect of the rain forest and the animals in it.
  16. Return to Kosovo- Students will identify the environmental, economic, emotional and health affects of the conflict in Kosovo.
  17. Return to the Colosseum- Determine the function and cultural value of the ancient Roman Colosseum. Construct a model of the Roman Colosseum to scale.
  18. Revolution in Milwaukee- Web Quest like.
  19. Rice is Nice- To teach first grade students about Japanese foods through fairy tales, fiction and nonfiction books, cooking meals and eating with chopsticks.
  20. Saving Berlin's Artwork- Recall events that led to the wall's construction and removal. Propose an alternative plan for the East Side Gallery's restoration project.
  21. Scavenger Hunt-Holidays Around the World- Gain an understanding of cultures through exploration of holidays around the world.
  22. School or Classroom Trivia- Draw an outline of a bus or school building for each team on the chalkboard. Students line up in teams.
  23. Silent Jeopardy Review- Silent Jeopardy is a good activity to use as review at the end of a unit. I will select 10 categories (five for the first round and five for the second round) of topics. I usually will have history geography, culture, in each round.
  24. Slavery- Given a Map, TLW trace the routes of the slaves on their journey north by calculating the mileage each one walked.
  25. Slavery Unit/ Via Telecommunications Project- The purpose of this lesson is to introduce the students to the continent of Africa.
  26. Social Studies: Conflict and Cooperation- Construct a tribal village of the tribe selected by the group, students will have to research lifestyle and geography of a native american tribe, decide on building materials, plan the layout, build and label structures and write a brief description of each.
  27. Solutions to school violence- Evaluate existing school safety programs for their success in creating solutions for safer schools.
  28. South Africa's AIDS- Describe long-term social, political and economic consequences of widespread AIDS in South Africa. Explain how the value system of a society exerts great influence on the attitudes and behavior of people.
  29. Stock Market Game for Educators- Over 150 groups have used the "Educator" in their classrooms and some of the groups have over 100 students. We would be honored if you would consider using our new educational web site as a resource in your curriculum. Also, add a link to our site on your Web page.
  30. Survivor Skills- Students will understand important characteristics and terms associated with teamwork.
  31. Symbols of citizenship- Recognize that different nations have different symbols by orally stating at least two differences between the symbols of the United States and Great Britain.
  32. Taxation Without Representation- In this unit students will gain an understanding of what the colnial Americans went through to start a new country and gain their independence from Great Britian. To begin the lesson they were gathered onto my rug area in my classroom and asked to imagine the conditions of passage from Britian.
  33. Teaching the Holocaust through the Arts- Discuss with children the poetry left as graffiti during internment at Terezin; artwork also depicting lifestyles within concentration camps.
  34. The Controversial Thanksgiving- After a lecture on the origins of Thanksgiving, grade twelve learners will be able to think about Thanksgiving in a new way by constructing their own presentations on their Thanksgivings, and then give group presentations on their Thanksgiving celebration with each group member participating in giving a certain aspect of their culture's of family's way of "giving thanks."
  35. Tropical Paradise-Compiled- Here are a bunch of tropical ideas that someone has gathered.
  36. Understanding the Flag and Other American Symbols- Students will understand the significance of the American Flag.
  37. Using an Online Magazine- This Issue deals with appoaching the President's Crisis.