How Are Schools Offering More Classes With Fewer Teachers?

Videoconferencing has changed the way that teaching methods are used, with schools now having the potential to put on more classes with the use of fewer teaching staff in the process. This is because of how recorded and live material can be fed through to students, who can watch an expert on a subject which they are learning discuss everything that they need to know - whilst also answering burning questions in the process. This can be beneficial because it can allow a teacher to assist other classes, whilst also giving students someone who specializes in the topic area which they are being taught about.

The great thing about videoconferencing is that it can also be a permanent resource which can be used. There can be a lecture element to these sessions where the person who is presenting the video might run through various aspects of a topic in order to aid understanding amongst the audience. They might talk over a PowerPoint presentation, a video or a virtual whiteboard in order to reinforce the point that they are making - anchoring their words with a visual image. Through the use of simple technology, there is no reason why this cannot be recorded for use time and time again with future classes who will learn about the same thing in future months and years.

The staff to student ratio can certainly be reduced, allowing for there to be even more attention dedicated to those students who might need help and direction in getting the grades they deserve. This can also be a more productive use of a teacher's time, as they can conduct revision sessions for those who are behind whilst their students are engaged in a videoconferencing session at the same time.

Distance learning schools are also doing the same thing - through the use of pre-recorded video sessions. With some experts having the opportunity to record multiple videos in one sitting, there can be a number of lessons which are organized in advance without there being a need for overworked tutors to talk through a topic. Without a question, this can save a lot of time which could be invested elsewhere.

Of course, there are some technological barriers which are in place before this new approach to education can realize its full potential and become exceptionally popular and revolutionary. As the weeks and months go on, it is likely that people will be able to use this method more easily and take advantage of the heightened resources which are available to them in their educational environment. This can certainly be an excellent opportunity for those who are involved with a course at the moment - who can revise lessons at the click of a button without having to return to tutors who might be dealing with other matters.

If you would like to know more about videoconferencing, there are plenty of resources that are online which can proceed to tell you more.

Web Sites that focus on Television-Based (TV) Distance Learning

  1. Catholic Telemedia Network
  2. Global Distance Learning Channel
  3. NASA Teaching From Space
  4. Pakistan Educational Network
  5. South Carolina Educational Television