Has your school made efforts to raise funds for tsunami victims?

TeAch-nology.com's Teacher Poll of the Week
Has your school made efforts to raise funds for tsunami victims?

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The majority of teachers report that their school has raised funds for tsunami victims. In another poll on this website the question was asked whether there was a community volunteer program in your school and the majority of teachers answered no. While that may be the case, most schools are responsive to community or global needs. A formal program may not be in place but students are still learning the benefits of community, whether it is a local community or a global one.

Teaching students of all ages the benefits of helping one another is good for society as a whole. Students learn that lending a hand makes them feel good and gives them a feeling of self-worth that goes beyond what toys or gadgets they own or what clothes they wear. Society benefits not just in the short term but, by instilling a lifelong habit of helping in students, long term benefits are achieved.

The other valuable lesson to be learned from fundraisers such as those held for tsunami victims are that they can be "fun"raisers as well. Bringing a group of like-minded people together with a common purpose doesn't need to be stodgy or boring. Getting pledges for jumping rope, watching people have their head shaved for cancer research, or holding a jello eating contest to raise money are all fun and inventive ways to get involved.

Unfortunately, the reality exists for some schools that parents are not financially able to contribute to fundraising efforts. In areas like this, the emphasis is definitely on lending a hand not opening a wallet. Volunteering at a soup kitchen, visiting the elderly or picking up litter at a local park don't cost money. All that's required is an investment of time.

The bottom line is that every little thing we do or whatever little amount we feel able to contribute can make a big difference to the lives of others. Students need to learn that it isn't always the big gestures that are important. By doing their part they can make the world a better place.