Lesson Plan : How to Edit a Paper

Teacher Name:
 Linda Cser
 Grade 4
 Language Arts

 Editing is an important part of the Writing Process.
 There are ten important rules of English Grammar to check when editing. These include: agreement, tense, spelling, run-on sentences, punctuation, usage, capitalization, point of view, sentence fragments, and wasted words.
  Apply grammar and language conventions to communicate effectively.
 TLW proofread and correct most misspellings independently with reference to resources (e.g., dictionaries, thesauri, glossaries, computer spell-checks, and other classroom sources). TLW use established criteria to edit for language conventions and format.
 Printout of Rules of English Grammar, Some Important Rules Every Writer Should Know Student Writing Sample Transparency (for guided practice) Student Writing Sample Printouts and Transparency (for independent practice)
 We all know that editing is part of the writing process. What we might not know is that there is a lot more to editing than checking for spelling, capitalization, and punctuation.
 The teacher explains that while editing a paper, there are ten rules of grammar that should be checked. Students will follow their printouts (Rules of English Grammar) as the teacher models each rule on the board (using examples).
 The teacher will place a student writing sample on the overhead projector. Students will identify errors, explaining which rule of grammar was broken.
 Students will complete the activity independently, with partners, or in a small group, according to ablity.
Checking For Understanding:
 Students will check their papers with the teacher (using the overhead). Students will also identify which rules of grammar were broken for each error.
 Editing is a very important part of the Writing Process. However, unless we know what to look for, we can't edit as well as we should. Once we do know what to look for, we can do our very best editing.
 Students will show progress by editing more and more thoroughly before beginning their final drafts. Errors caught by the teacher should decrease as the year progresses. Scores on writing tests should go up, as convention (grammar) scores improve.
Teacher Reflections:
 Most students really don't understand the complexity of the editing process. They think editing means checking for a few misspellings or missed periods here and there. This lesson shows the student that there are specific rules that need to be followed while writing and checked for after writing.

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