Lesson Plan : Two Tickets to Freedom

Teacher Name:
 Mrs. C.
 Grade 4
 Literature Activities

 Two Tickets to Freedom
 Risk and Consequences Words with "offic" root (office, officer, officia, officiate Vocabulary: fugitives, sympathetic, asserted, abolitionist, indignantly, Other words to know; disguise, Yankee, furiously, ownership, despair, pickpocket, conductor Suffixes: "age", "ation" review "etic" Types of sentences: Declarative, exclamatory, interrogative, imperative Authors purpose for writing: descriptive, explanation, entertainment, persuasion
 Students will read the story and identify the main idea, important characters, as well as word meanings in context. Students will identify the risks and consequences that are presented in the story. Students will compare and contrast story characters and events in this story to other characters and events in the series of stories in the Risk and Consequences Unit. Students will relate events in the story to real life situations.
 Students will participate in group discussions by applying personal experiences and previously taught concepts to answer questions and make analogies. Students will demonstrate understanding of story details and concepts by passing comprehension assessment, and vocabulary assessment with a score of 70% or higher on each. Students will also demonstrate the ability extend and apply the skills and concepts taught in this story by passing a corresponding FCAT practice assessment with a score of 65% or better. Student reading fluency is assessed and compared to prior reading rates.
 STARS student practice book, English Language Development book, Open court anthology, Open Court Intervention, (Open Court re-teach, as needed)story student journal book, dry erase boards, flash cards, supplemental practice materials
 Who is Harriet Tubman? What is the underground railroad?
 Students will read the root word of the week and identify as many words as possible that can be made from the root. Student will read and write words on vocabulary list. Use teacher list of pages where words are found in story and write individual interpretation of meaning of each word. Students will then use glossary and record the official meaning of each word and compare their interpretation. Students will take turns reading the story aloud, with teacher directed pauses for guided reflections, explanation of unfamiliar vocabulary and query for understanding sequence of events, etc. Students will also identify author's purpose for various paragraphs and try to identify at least on example of each kind of writing within the story. They will also identify various types of sentences used in the story. Teacher will model reading fluency, tone and expressions on second reading to further aid students in the appreciation of literature. Students will be allow opportunities to ask questions that relate to the theme of the story.
 Student reading will be monitored for fluency and errors in reading will be corrected. They will be encouraged to use decoding skills to read unfamiliar words. Students will write a daily summary of story events during the first reading (Mon. - Wed.).
 Student query is done based on individual student language and vocabulary skills. Students are prompted and aide with responses during group discussions. Extra time is given to complete assessments, and re-teach is used to aid when there is a deficit of a skill. Oral assessment is done to aid language impaired students with written their responses, however students are still required to write a response.
Checking For Understanding:
 Daily tasks and homework is presented orally, and graded or corrected by students, allowing immediate feedback. Other assessments are graded by the following class period and students and feedback is provided to students. They are given an opportunity to orally share concerns and/or look for correct responses to any missed questions. Individual reading fluency charts are maintained students attempt to achieve a higher rate than a prior reading.
Teacher Reflections:

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