Lesson Plan : Communication And Information Processing

Teacher Name:
 S. Goode
 Grade 9-10

 "Don't text and drive". information processing
 The use of Cell phones while driving is lethal. Awareness to be brought to how dangerous it is to not focus on the road. bring the importance of respecting the road and others lives as well as your own. graphic demonstration.
 Reach the teens emotionally and em-pathetically. Create an idea that sticks. An emotional idea that will be passed on to others as a favor or duty. Find triggers that will encompass that effect.
 To have students be aware of the essential importance of safety and following the laws of man and God. Being responsible individuals in society.
 Bible Video/ crash w the person using the cell phone while driving. to capture that emotion.
 All computer processing requires data. Data refers to the raw facts, including numbers, words images, and sounds, given to a computer during the input operation using input devices for processing. In the processing phase, the computer manipulates and organizes the data to create information using the central processing unit (CPU) which will be discussed in chapter six. Information refers to data that has been processed into a form that has meaning and is useful. The production of information by processing data on a computer is called information processing. During the output operation, the information that has been created is put into some form, such as a printed report, that people can use. The information also can be stored electronically for future use. The computer is an electronic unit which therefore processes data electronically inside the CPU. Electronic processing within the computer is accomplished using electronic switches, which are either off or on. If the switch is off, the PC reads numeral 0. If it is on, it is read as numeral 1. The computer is filled with these switches (in the form of transistors). There are literally millions of those in the electronic components, so any amount of data can be processed with millions of 0's and 1's. This is known as the binary system or machine language. Each of these digital values is called a BIT, the abbreviation form for Binary digit. Practically, computers process data in terms of BYTES because bit is not very informative. More about data representation will be discussed in chapter seven.
 Using the video at the beginning and the end of what is said. Think of a theme that will stick in their minds and create a concious awareness that will move in their hearts to spread the message of life.
 1. Definitions of Data and information 2. Describe the different types of Communications media 3. Define ICT 4. Describe the information processing cycle 5. Explain the different ways of Finding information 6. Identify the advantages and disadvantages of using computers to process information.
 hand outs or...
Checking For Understanding:
 Ask questions; how does this affect you? Do you know anyone you can pass this message on too? Will you be responsible and do this?
 If I could only get you to understand the important of being responsible, not only in this situation but every your life will then be in line with what the father expects of you as teenagers. He wants you safe and well.
Teacher Reflections:
 Did the young people hear me? What was the reaction from the PA? Did this have an impact or would live demonstration help more? Was it purposeful to the youth? Did the point get across to them in thier own words?

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