Edible Crafts

  • Candy Bird's Nest- "Make cute little candy bird nest treats."
  • Candy Train- "Make a tiny candy train from wrapped candies."
  • Cup O' Fish- "Make an edible aquarium..
  • Cup O' Worms- "A very yucky treat made of chocolate pudding and gummy worms! Great at children's parties."
  • Dinosaur Cake- "Make a Stegosaurus cake from a round cake."
  • Edible Carrot Craft- "DHRedmon5 explains how to make a cute carrot craft that holds a tasty treat!"
  • Edible Craft Dough Cookies
  • Edible Magic Wand- "Make a fun edible magic wand using a pretzel rod and a few other supplies."
  • Fire Truck Snacks- "Make tiny fire truck treats from graham crackers."
  • Magical Pre-sliced Banana- "An easy-to-make magical banana that will really surprise your friends!"
  • Rainbow in a Cup- "Make a rainbow Jello for St. Patrick's Day or other festive occasions. This cute snack is simple to make, but each layer has to set before you add the next layer, so start days before you want to eat it."
  • Sweet Necklace- "Make an edible necklace using licorice laces and cereal."