Has It Been Proven That the Use of Technology in the Classroom Helps Students Learn?

Technology is proven to have helped people in many different ways; from health restoration, to food production and distribution, communication, transport and even in entertainment and sports. However, amidst all the great conveniences provided by technology, just like anything else, it also has disadvantages. While the reasons for introducing these innovations and advancements were noble, it carries with it some side effects that make it less perfect or even mediocre. Nevertheless, technology is good provided that the people use it properly and in accordance to what is humanitarian and ethical.

In a learning environment, children are more inclined to learn if they are provided with a true to life learning experience. Since the world outside their classrooms is the world where technology reigns, it is not surprising if one would ask the question "has it been proven that the use of technology in the classroom help students with their learning?" Since technology is prone to effects that are not desirable, if it is introduced inside the classroom, does it provide assistance more than nuisance? While a traditional way of teaching, wherein a teacher is the source of knowledge in the classroom, is proven to have helped students learn, this does not necessarily mean that it should not be changed.

While technology is something that rules the current society, fact still remains that its efficacy is dependent on how it is being used. The computer and internet connection, being the basic indication of a highly-technological environment, can be used both for the advantage and disadvantage of the student. These tools can definitely provide learning assistance in terms of activities that can enhance and develop certain skills of the students. If facilitated well, they can have an advanced learning through the aid of these tools. However, being an uncontrolled environment, the internet can also provide a lot of harm to young minds if not monitored properly by an adult.

As such, it can be concluded that teachers still play the major role in all aspects of learning inside the classroom. If the teacher can handle the technology well, it can undoubtedly help in facilitating learning to the students. While teachers are not to be replaced as the authority in the classroom, providing highly competent teachers in handling the technology is a must.

In some cases, due to incompetency, a lot of teachers are threatened by the fact that technology is better than them. If they keep it in their minds that technology is not an ally but something that endangers their role in the classroom, it will be difficult to use this to facilitate learning. While providing the teachers a highly-technological environment is the start of giving a more advance learning facilities to student, proving the teachers the confidence to use this to their advantage is a must.

In effect, while asking the question "has it been proven than the use of technology in the classroom help students to learn?" the more fitting question is "has it help the teachers facilitate learning to the student?" Whereas it can definitely help students in many different ways, whether it is used properly, confidently and competently by the teachers is a better concern. Students are receptive. Especially the younger ones, they just take in information that you feed them. Just like sponges, they absorb anything put on them. While technology aims to provide better ways to learn, teachers are still the ones who control the show.

Since technology is already ruling the planet, it will not do anyone any good if we try to deviate from it. In fact, taking advantage of the benefits it provides should be our top priority. Indeed, there are many good things that technology can give if we just know how to use it.

Educational Literature on Instructional Technology

All About Educational Technology
  1. Computers and Assessment in Science Education- ERIC Document t
  2. Computer Assisted Writing Instruction- ERIC Document
  3. Computer-mediated Class Discussion
  4. Computer-Mediated Communication and the Online Classroom in Distance Learning
  5. Electronic Portfolios: A New Idea in Assessment- ERIC Document
  6. Infusing Technology into Preservice Teacher Education- ERIC Document
  7. Technology as a Tool for Urban Classrooms- ERIC Document
  8. Using Technology in Remedial Education- ERIC Document