What Publications Should Educational Administrators Keep Up With?
There are many ways for educational administrators to keep their mind, Education and Educational Leadership alive. One of which is to read online and print publications that are designed to educate educators and administrators alike. Through reading these publications you will be able to learn more ways to be an effective educator in front of your students. Your educational leadership will also improve in more ways than another. There are many sources that you can use to get these publications. You can try the internet as there are already many school publications that are going online and providing online resources for people to read. But nevertheless, print publications are still around and could still provide you with enough information to push you further in your career. Here are some of the school publications that you can keep up with.
First is the American School Board Journal. It is an independent education magazine that is published every month by the National School Boards Association. They aim to attain the needs of every school board member and professional educator by influencing changes and addressing issues that could affect the Education and Educational Leadership of every student. It also provides information on a broad range of topics and could likewise be consulted for advice for many issues, most of which are school management, policy making, educational achievement of students, and educational leadership.
Next is Council, a magazine printed by the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE). They provide many publications that aim to improve the education and educational leadership of students and teachers alike. Through providing interesting, informative, and thoughtful articles, educational professionals of all levels can usher advancement in their schools and institutions.
The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International magazine on the other hand focuses on the growth and professional advancement of women educators. They aim to create excellent educators in each individual. The Delta Kappa Gamma society was formed in 1929 by women teachers that was selected among the best in their career and radiated towards creating an organization for achieving a single and mutual purpose. They open opportunities to women educators to learn how to render real education to students.
Educational Leadership is a magazine published by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development eight times a year through September to May with a combined issue for December and January. It provides much useful information about teaching and new ideas to rekindle the enthusiastic fire that your students once had for learning. These are very useful for new and practicing educators and addresses issues that are pertinent in prekindergarten students through higher years.
The Phi Delta Kappan International also has a published magazine that addresses the policies and issues experienced by educators of all levels. They aim to shed light on these issues and advocate a research-based school reform. The Kappan, which is what their magazine is colloquially called, provides a forum for debate regarding controversial subjects. It started since 1915 and continues to be published monthly from September to June.
The School Administrator is a monthly magazine of the American Association for School Administrators that is delivered to every public school administrator in the United States. It provides a wider and bigger perspective and understanding on controversial issues. They also provide friendly discussions in a number of topics including Education and Educational Leadership, instructional materials and resources that are unique to the education community.
Rethinking Schools on the other hand is a magazine that focuses on the equality that each student should have and give to other students. It upholds a vision that public education is the key to the success of a unique, multiracial educational democracy. A large number of its topics focus on the problems of urban schools mainly about racial issues.
Educational Administrator Publications
- American Journal of Education
- Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy (CJEAP)
- Comparative Education Review
- Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE)
- EduCause
- Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE)