What Non-Government Organizations Help Fund Technology Programs For Schools

Advice For Future Technology Purchases
Developing a School Technology Plan

Education and Educational Leadership will not be fully realized if the school is unable to bring their facilities and form of teaching into the 21st century standard. Many schools today are using high-tech facilities to give their students better Education and Educational Leadership. As technology and information today is easily acquired, there is less strain on reports and assignments and other academic work intended to be done at home. Thus, teachers should also put more effort into their teaching and let the students have better understanding through more comprehensive visual aids, interactive exercises and activities, and improved classroom aura calibrated for intensive learning.

But technology required for high-tech facilities and related reasons are not that easy to acquire. One major reason for this is the cost of such technology that schools can not order them in bulk. There will also be a lot of debate from faculty members whether the expensive technology is really required for better Education and Educational Leadership. More experienced teachers in the traditional way of teaching will find it hard to learn and integrate the new form of teaching that uses innovative tools into their everyday classes. Younger teachers on the other hand have more experience in using technology but have less experience in teaching, which may altogether drag the class into boredom. But you should think first of how you can acquire technology for use in the Education and Educational Leadership as by and by the teachers will be able to use it properly.

You can create grants and acquire proposals for funding. There are many Non-Government Organizations, also called NGO's that grant proposals for technology programs for schools. Most of which composes of acquiring technology and the mastery of using such tools for classroom education. There are many NGO's today that provide funding for the different technology programs that a school may have. Here are but a few of them.

California Institute for Energy Efficiency

This NGO is partnered with the University of California to provide and advance energy efficiency, science and technology that will benefit California and other energy consumers. It also aims to educate the people of proper energy management. The environment is likewise an important factor that they care for and makes sure that whatever the activity they have, they emphasize on the importance of the environment and the benefits of keeping it green and clean.

Center for Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technology

It is a project of the Solar Energy Research Education Program and highlights the importance of proper energy efficiency in buildings, and the proper use of appliances and lighting for effective energy efficiency. It also provides information for case studies that focuses in the importance of renewable energy and advanced technology. Aside from that, you can also acquire energy audits here for schools, and financial information for investment on energy efficiency.

Alliance to Save Energy

The Alliance to save Energy is a partnership of the many prominent government, business, consumer and environmental leaders that aim to have a clean use of energy worldwide. Efficiency to using energy is also one of their prime mandates and often fund programs that promotes it, at the same time focuses on the benefits that the consumers, environment, national security and the economy will receive.

Trinity College

The university established their own NGO as a founding chapter of the HFOSS project, where schools like Wesleyan University and Connecticut College are also part of. It aims to create and share its own Free and Open Source Software that can be used for various functions. It also aims to promote the use of technology to benefit and improve the human condition.

Some Basic Organizations For Technology Funding

  1. Per Scholas
  2. Technology in Education Federal Funding
  3. The Technology Opportunities Program (formerly TIIAP)
  4. Toshiba America Foundation