What Are the Praxis Exams?
The Praxis Tests is a series of exams which is taken by the Educational Testing Service. The Praxis test is also known as the teacher certification exams as this test is given by all those persons who want to become a teacher. There are various Praxis tests which are a must in between and after the teacher training courses in the United States of America. Well the Praxis exam is taken to ensure if the person is ready to become a teacher or not. To become a teacher a person has to earn qualifying marks in the Praxis I and in Praxis II.
The Praxis I test which is also known as the Pre-Professional Skills Test consists of three tests one of math, second of reading and third of writing. This test is given by the people who want to take admission in the field of teacher education in any college of United States. A passing score must be earned for the admission. There are different rules in different states in which some ask for this test when the teacher graduation is going to complete.
The Praxis II tests cover many and different areas which depends on the field of the teacher. Different combinations of subjects are made to obtain a Praxis II test for teachers having different majors. As there are different rules in different states some require this test to enter in the student teaching component and some states ask Praxis II test to determine a qualified status.
The Praxis III test replaced the National Teacher Examination which occurs in the entry year of teaching. A pre-observation interview and a post-observation interview are also included in the Praxis test. Praxis III test is not so tough but Praxis I and II is considered to be a little tough.
The Praxis tests are one of the final hurdles in one's student career. This exam is a must to be called as a teacher. More than forty four (44) states in United Sates take the Praxis test to the students seeking to become a teacher. This test can be given eight times during a calendar year. In this test different types of questions are asked about the relationships, major of the student becoming teacher, math, English, academic skills and communication skills.
Well the Praxis test considered to be somehow difficult. But hard work and dedication always pay off. Always remember to make the most of teacher resources and teachers worksheets. Make a lesson plan to study quickly. The Praxis test is also taken to determine your study skills and if you are capable of becoming a teacher.
The Praxis tests are very useful and a must to have your teaching certificate in your hand. It is advised to take these tests just before the completion of your coursework and graduation. If taken early there will be a big possibility of having failed in the exam. Well remember to do as hard work as you can and become a good teacher and a good example for others.