What is Global Education?
It is believed that global education is something which is more subjective rather than objective. The viewpoints of the academics that coined this phrase vary, and it is strongly believed that there are a plethora of definitions which are associated with this term.
A lot of the time, global education is helping children to make sense of what can be an information overload to them.
There can be so many different viewpoints and facts for young people to contend with that they can feel somewhat overwhelmed with everything that they are being told. There can be some children who have a fatalist attitude to life that conveys they do not have the willpower, motivation or resources to succeed.
Global education aims to help pick up these children and to give them a boost, putting them on an even footing despite their unprivileged background. Global education can also be founded on international affairs, as the name would suggest. It aims to make students who have this concept running through their curriculum more curious about life and about the various intricacies which are associated with it. It aims to allow those who are being taught to think about how their actions and how they live their lives has an impact on the world in a far bigger scale than they might have imagined beforehand. Some great examples of this can include the environment - where, without scaring the students who are learning about climate change and global warming, there can be a spotlight on how our consumption can affect the world that we live in. Meanwhile, there can also be the opportunity for young people to realize how there are others who are unfortunate enough to be in poverty, not only in their own country - but around the world.
There are a number of groups which are pushing this concept forward. This is because they believe that it is more important and relevant than ever before. With the media and the Internet making the world a smaller place by the day, there are some professionals in the educational sector who believe that children need to be better prepared for the main issues which face their generation, and the generation of their children.
As a procedure, the global learning approach aims to look underneath the surface and to ask why things might happen and what the contributing factors might be. An example of this can be climate change: we know what is happening and what the consequences of it are, but how did it start and what were the different elements which made this situation arise to the severity that it is at now? It is a different way of thinking for young people which could be used in their everyday lives, helping them to make sense of the different challenges which are faced in the world. Over time, they can soon begin to apply this way of thinking to the different dilemmas which they might proceed to face in their lifetime.
More Information Global Education
- International Teaching
- American Forum for Global Education
- Center for Global Education, Augsburg College
- Global Education Associates (GEA)
- Global Education Group
- Peace Corps