Dr. Robert Slavin's thoughts on Cooperative Learning
Dr. Robert Slavin was a director of Elementary School Programs. He has contributed a lot in the subject of collaborative or cooperative learning. There's no doubt that collaborative or cooperative learning is a great way of building and teaching students. Students learn in groups in a much better way that they do it individually. Cooperative learning is not relatively new but it traces its history back to early 18th century. Cooperative learning not only encourages students on learning the group's tasks and activities but also helps them in building a social personality in them. The instructor of the group is a very important personality or entity that directs the movements of groups.
Dr. Slavin suggests that cooperative learning is not only a great way of learning but it is also a very vast field of research and analysis. Consequent to research and analysis, the design section exist which suggest the designing of course outline and groups tasks. Dr. Slavin also suggests that cooperative learning is doubtlessly a great tool for handicapped and disabled students. Cooperative learning encourages these students and molds them to work in a professional environment. Cooperative learning of disabled and normal students is another great way of encourage disabled students. According to Slavin, when disabled and handicapped students work in mainstream and heterogeneous environments, they learn in a more productive and skillful manner.
Slavin has also contributed a lot in researching cooperative learning. He has given a lot of well-structured material that is really helpful in building the principles of cooperative learning. He has also written a guest editorial in 1990 in which he discussed the power of collaborative or cooperative learning. In this editorial, he discussed some really important issues and matters related to cooperative learning and ways that can be employed to elongate the implementation of cooperative learning. He has discussed different type of students who are capable of learning to different extents in different manner. A lot of material and literature of Dr. Robert Slavin can be found on this topic.
The "Success for all" Foundation of Dr. Robert Slavin is a great foundation rendering its services towards cooperative learning. The core purpose of the foundation is to raise the academic achievement throughout the nation. This is conducted by delivering many high quality programs and seminars. Almost all of the national schools participate in the seminars and meetings of "Success for All" foundation. Currently, there are four programs being offered by "Success for All" foundation. These four programs are categorized under headings: early childhood, elementary, middle school, and finally high school. The foundation offers proven solutions to raise the grade level performance of students. The greatest benefit of consulting the foundation is that they work regardless of the challenges and abilities of individual students. Methods of instruction and school organization are one of its kinds. Similarly, high school cooperative learning services provided by Dr. Robert Slavin's "Success for All" foundation are matchless and best-value. There are hundreds of thousands of students associated with this foundation and are making their career fruitful and lucrative.