Examples Of Functional Behavioral Assessments

Example 1

By: Joan M. Miller, Ph.D.

Date: September 25, 2000
Observer: Ms. A. Jackson [T = teacher]
Student: Ryan
who: teacher and 6 peers
what: guided reading lesson
where: front table
when: 9:05 -9:52  
1. T introduced the story and led students through predicting the story based on the title and key questions. T asked the group if they had ever had a pet that embarrassed them in public. 2. Ryan raised his hand and, when called on, said his cockatiel had flown around and landed on a guest's head. 3.T and peers laughed.
4. T said this story would be about a pet which embarrassed its owner. She told Ss to look for what the problem was and how the owner felt. T asked Ryan to start reading. 5. Ryan "read" by making up an irrelevant story including words referring to body functions. 6. Peers laughed. T told him to stop.
7. T read the first 3 words and told Ryan to sound out the next word. 8. Ryan slumped back, crossed his arms, and refused to read. 9. T said Ryan had lost his turn and called on the next student to read.
10. After peer read, T asked who could tell what the problem was. 11. Ryan raised his hand and said that the hamster had climbed in the aunt's hat. 12. T said Ryan should wait to be called on and that he was right. She called on the next student to read.

HYPOTHESIS (based on the assumption that other ABCs showed a similar pattern): avoidance of reading aloud

PLAN: Ease task difficulty by having peer pairs simultaneously read aloud assigned paragraphs from the intended story before the lesson. Then, during the reading lesson, call on Ryan to read one of the paragraphs he and his partner had rehearsed. If the data show a decrease in the inappropriate behavior, gradually increase the number of assigned paragraphs. Eventually have Ryan read unassigned sentences and then unassigned paragraphs.

Example 2

By: Joan M. Miller, Ph.D.

Date: October 3, 1999 Observer: Ms. Norman
Student: Alf who: resource teacher (RT), peers in resource room
what: transition from resource room to physical education class where: resource room
when: 10:15 at end of ELA period  
1. RT announced it was time to go to gym. 2. Alf continued to leaf through a book. He glanced at peers who had moved to the doorway. 3. RT talked with peers for about 30 seconds. She looked at Alf and told him to put the book away and to get in line.
  4. Alf turned his back to RT and threw the book on the floor. 5. RT approached Alf and told him to pick up the book.
  6. Alf got up and picked up the book and took it to the bookcase. He ran to the corner and climbed under the table. 7. RT bent down to be at eye level with Alf under the table. She told him he was wasting gym time and that he needed to hurry up and get in line.
  8. Alf reached out his hand. 9. RT took Alf's hand and led him from under the table.
  10. Alf walked to the gym and waved goodbye to RT. 11. RT laughed, said, "I'll see you tomorrow," and waved back.

HYPOTHESIS (based on the assumption that other ABCs showed a similar pattern): attention from the teacher

PLAN: Teach Alf a way to gain attention by

a) allowing him to be the "timer" who pushes the two-minute warning buzzer,

b) praising him for a specific work behavior or academic response just before asking students to line up,

c) posting his name on the "hard workers of the day" bulletin board,

d) allowing him to ask a peer to walk next to him on the way to gym, and/or

e) allowing him to be line leader.