1. allegiance |
A form of government in which one person has absolute rule and often gains it by birth |
2. legislature |
Federal government officials who most often represent the executive branch |
3. sovereign |
Commitment of someone to another in higher power or a larger group |
4. democracy |
A system of government in which power is divided between a central authority and other smaller political units |
5. political |
An economic and political system in which private owners control trade and industry for money |
6. monarchy |
A solemn vow to do something |
7. federalism |
A person authorized to represent others, normally chosen by election |
8. citizen |
Related to government or public affairs |
9. capitalism |
An officially elected body of people that have the power and responsibility to make laws for political units |
10. amendment |
A type of government in which all those who are eligible may vote to choose a representative to fight for what they want |
11. adjourn |
An addition or other change to a legal paper |
12. delegate |
Having all the power |
13. cabinet |
An inhabitant of a country that is recognized as a legal member |
14. oath |
To break off or end a meeting until a later date |