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Volcano Vocabulary Quiz


Directions: Match the vocabulary words on the left with the definitions on the right.

1. crater The gradual process of being eroded by the forces of nature.
2. summit An opening at the top of a volcano that is shaped like a bowl.
3. disaster A light glass thrown up from volcanoes used for cleaning, smoothing, or polishing.
4. erosion Fine material thrown out of a volcano when it erupts.
5. lava Molten rock that flows out of a volcano.
6. vent Molten material under the earth's crust where igneous rock is formed.
7. dormant Not active.
8. ash A catastrophic event, often resulting in loss of life and property.
9. pumice The topmost part of anything.
10. eruption The process of bursting forth.
11. magma an opening which allows entrance, passage, or exit of a gas or vapor, esp. of air or smoke:

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