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Simple Machines Vocabulary

force Exerting pressure or influence over object or substance.
friction The act of a surface or an object rubbing against each other.
fulcrum The support on which a lever turns or is helped in moving or lifting something.
inclined plane A plank or plane surface put at an angle to a horizontal surface.
lever A bar which rests on a fulcrum.
load Amount of work a machine is expected to perform.
machine Any device that applies or changes the direction of power force, or motion.
axle Bar on which a wheel turns.
power Strength or force that can be exerted on other bodies.
pull To move, usually with force or effort.
pulley A wheel that has a groove in the rim where a rope can run and change the direction of the pull.
push To move something away by pressing against it.
screw Cylinder with a ridge winding around it. It's a simple machine.
spring Something that produces action, a moving force.
tool An instrument of work.
torque A force that causes rotation.
wedge To force an opening.
wheel A round frame that turns on a pin or shaft in its middle.
work An effort in doing or making something.


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