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Cells Vocabulary List & Definitions


Jelly-like substance that makes up the matrix of the cell body.
mitochondrion Shaped like a bean, this cell organelle helps take food and manufacture energy from it.
nucleolus A structure inside the nucleus where RNA is transcribed.
nucleus the main brain of the cell that contains most of the cell's DNA.
organ a body structure that works to perform a specialized function. Examples include the lung or heart.
tissue a large series of cells that work together to form a specific function.
vacuole storage areas of the cell known for storing mostly water and/or food.
cell membrane The enclosure of the cell that provides the body for all the organelles.
cell wall Mostly made of cellulose, this is the tough and rigid outer layer of plant cells.
chlorophyll the green (in color) pigment found in chloroplasts where photosynthesis takes place.
chloroplast an egg shaped body that appears green from all the chlorophyll they contain. This organelle is where photosynthesis takes place.
chromosome Thin, intertwined pieces of DNA found in the cell's nucleus.

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