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Thanksgiving Vocabulary Quiz Worksheet

Directions: Match the vocabulary words on the left with the definitions on the right.

1. thanks thick, seasoned, juices that are produced as meat cooks and used as sauces for other foods
2. grateful somebody who journeys to a foreign land ahead of other inhabitants, usually as a sign of devotion to religion
3. turkey an abundant meal, usually reserved for celebrations
4. treaty the initial traverler to a certain area, responsible for developing land, housing, and finding resources
5. feast a procession of festive nature that usually includes a marching band, decorative floats, and special citizens
6. settler to be appreciative of items or services received
7. gravy the characteristic of being from a particular place or environment
8. harvest a sign of gratitude for services received or for blessings presented to
9. colony a plant known for it's edible, tuberous roots
10. autumn the time of the year that fully grown crops are collected for use during the coming months
11. pilgrim a red, acidic fruit used mainly in juices, sauces, and jelly
12. parade a larger brown or reddish bird with large tail feathers, a thick body and characterized by a bearded beak
13. native the agreement between two parties two end a conflict and carry on with peace and honesty
14. cranberry a stage of weather patterns that occur in the time between Summer and Winter
15. yam a group of people who leave their native land to start a sublet community in a formerly unchartered area

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