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Martin Luther King, Jr. Crossword Puzzle Worksheet


2. to abstain from an object, place, or idea because of resentment towards it

6. characterizing against a person because of external factors such as group, class, race, or religion

7. to separate any object or person from the main group because of differences

8. pertaining to relations between races of people, esp. those living in the same country, city, or neighborhood,

11. to advance slowly against a strong idea or force

12. a condition of harmony between people and groups

14. communicating a thought or idea in front of an audience


1. the lack of physical or rough force

3. a punishment or reward for actions brought forth and executed

4. visions or thoughts of positive action in the future

5. a person who leads religious worships and ceremonies

9. a demonstration of disapproval for a person, action, or idea

10. a North American shrub growing in marshy ground and bearing a tart, red, edible berry, or the berry itself.

13. to guide or give direction to a group

15. rights freedoms that every nationality can take advantage of; the right to personal space

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