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Hanukkah Crossword Puzzle Worksheet


3. in the Hebrew alphabet, the third letter

6. a long stick of wax that has an embedded wick for lighting

8. a Jewish cookery pancake made with potatoes

10. a large structure dedicated to worship and reflection

11. a 4-sided top that is used by children to play games during Hanukkah

15. the time right before night when the sun is going down

16. special family games and words repeated each year





1. a chant of praise used at Passover, Shabuoth, Sukkoth, Hanukkah and Rosh Hodesh

2. in the Hebrew alphabet, the twenty-first letter

4. a supernatural event in which the details of the happening are beyond human comprehension

5. to take notice of a certain day or holiday

7. a celebration of religious or other natures, usually featuring dining and dancing

9. a Jewish casserole that resembles a souffle

12. the third month in the Jewish calendar.

13. a 7 branched candle used during the Jewish festival of Hanukkah

14. an object that is used to hold multiple candles


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