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Vocab. Quiz: Grade Four (Grade 4) Vocabulary List Five


Match the vocabulary words on the left with the definitions on the right.

1. direction to be greatly excited or aroused.
2. thrill violating accepted standards of fairness or just treatment.
3. enjoyable content.
4. greedy having the character or quality of humor; comical:
5. humorous the act or an instance of directing.
6. unless to fail to fulfill the expectations, wishes, or hopes of:
7. tease to disturb or cause irritation, esp. by repeated bothersome behavior.
8. energetic full of or displaying energy; active; vigorous.
9. pleasurable overly concerned with oneself and one's own interests, rather than those of others; self-centered.
10. selfish except under the condition that:
11. disappoint pleasant; entertaining.
12. annoy to irritate or annoy someone persistently and in a mocking way.
13. satisfied extremely desirous of wealth or possessions.
14. cruel giving or causing pleasure.
15. unfair inclined to inflict or intentionally inflicting pain, hardship, or suffering:

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