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Vocab. Quiz: Grade Four (Grade 4) Vocabulary List Two


Match the vocabulary words on the left with the definitions on the right.

1. twitch to move or pull with a quick, sudden motion; jerk:
2. blink without dirt, stain, or spots.
3. fair to close and open the eyes very quickly, usu. involuntarily; wink.
4. sniff to bend in or have the shape of a curve.
5. frown to take or draw (a portion of food) into the digestive tract by passing from the mouth into the esophagus with a voluntary muscular movement.
6. spotless to remove (markings, characters, or the like) by rubbing or scraping away; expunge; efface:
7. study the act or process of using the mind to gain knowledge.
8. faint of a light tone:
9. spiral of, pertaining to, or existing in nature.
10. define weak, feeble, or slight:
11. adventure a circling around a fixed point that constantly increases or decreases in distance from it, in either a flat or a three-dimensional plane; coil or helix.
12. natural a journey or other undertaking that involves risk, danger, or excitement.
13. erase to explain or state the meaning of (a word or phrase).
14. swallow to take in short, audible breaths of air through the nose.
15. curve to wrinkle or contract the forehead, as in anger, displeasure, or perplexity.

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